Primary School Italy


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Comprehensive School Fontanile Anagnino Rome Italy

Comprehensive School Fontanile Anagnino Rome Italy

Pre-Primary educationChildren aged from 3 to 6 years

• Pre-school education although not compulsory,has been the first stage of education system since 1991 .

• As the state nursery schools are unable to meet the demand,non State schools(private and municipal) receive subsidies from the State ,provided certain essential conditions met.

Comprehensive School Fontanile Anagnino Rome Italy

• Nursery schools are divided in 3 sections,depending on the age of the children,a school has three sections catering for children of the same age(3,4 and 5 years) but sections may also be composed of mixed age groups.

Comprehensive School Fontanile Anagnino Rome Italy

The curriculum

• The teaching methods focus on the development of play and exploration and on socialization,hands on productiveness and direct experience of contact with nature,object,materials and social milieu.The activities ,whether structured or free,must be varied,progressive and mediated.

Comprehensive School Fontanile Anagnino Rome Italy

Compulsory Education :Primary schoolPupils aged 6 to 11 years

• Primary school lasts 5 years.Children can be enrolled for the first years of primary school if they have reached the age 6 years by 31 August of the relevant school year.

• Primary education is provided at legally recognized State and non State schools


Comprehensive School Fontanile Anagnino Rome Italy

Organization of schools

• Primary school has two time organizations:

40 hours in five days ( morning and afternoon);

30 hours a week(morning and one or two afternoons).

• At the beginning of the first year each pupil can choose between the two  organizations.

• Pupils can have hot meals at the school canteen at lunch time


Comprehensive School Fontanile Anagnino Rome Italy

• The teachers of each class meet weekly to check and plan their work and evaluate students.

• Teachers do meet parents 4/5 times a year to discuss with them the educational programmes of the pupils,their difficulties and progresses.


Comprehensive School Fontanile Anagnino Rome Italy

• The Board of Teachers organizes meetings in the first days of September to plan activities. Then it’s written a document to inform our pupils' parents about it.

• The Board of Teachers meets other seven or eight times a year, it depends on the school problems


Comprehensive School Fontanile Anagnino Rome Italy

• The School Council is made up of the headteacher, the representatives of parents, of teachers and of non-teaching staff.

• They decide on the school equipment to be bought, on school trips, on payments for non-curricular activities to be paid extra.


Comprehensive School Fontanile Anagnino Rome Italy

Educational activities

• At the primary school,pupils learn the traditional subjects:Italian,Mathematics,Science,History,Geography,English,tecnology and information technology, music,art,physical education and Catholic religion(optional),according to the curriculum set by the school based on the national indications.

• Pupils with disability have a support teacher up to 18 hours a week.


Comprehensive School Fontanile Anagnino Rome Italy

• In addition to the disciplines,a number of special courses have been introduced:citizenship education,road safety education,food science,environmental studies and health education.

• Schools have autonomy as regards the choice of teaching materials and texbooks.


Comprehensive School Fontanile Anagnino Rome Italy

Compulsory Secondary Education -Lower secondary school

• Pupils can be admitted to secondary education level once they have completed primary school.Pupils between 11 and 14 years of age attend secondary school level.


Comprehensive School Fontanile Anagnino Rome Italy

The curriculum

• The disciplines for secondary level I are:Religion(optional)Italian.English,second community language,history,geography,mathematics,science and technology,information technology,music,art and physical education.


Comprehensive School Fontanile Anagnino Rome Italy

How are school performances evalueted

• Every school- year is divided in two four-month periods: from September to January and from February to June.

• At the end of each term,teachers evaluate the school performance of each pupil and prepare a report form.


Comprehensive School Fontanile Anagnino Rome Italy

• At the end of each academic year,the pupil is either promoted to the next class or not.The class council has to comment on each case of failure.

• The reasons for failure must be clearly stated.

• At the end of the third year of Lower Secondary, the students have to sit for a State exam in order to obtain the Diploma.


Comprehensive School Fontanile Anagnino Rome Italy

School calendar

• School year starts in September and finishes in June, it can be divided into 2 parts, at the end of each one a school report is filled and sent to families.

• The scholastic calendar is set every year at the regional level.


Comprehensive School Fontanile Anagnino Rome Italy

• There are two holiday breaks: two weeks for Christmas (generally

from 23 rd December to 7th January);

about a week in Easter (in March or April).

• Other holidays are spread in the course of the year:1st November, 8th December,25th April,1st May,2nd June and the city’s patron saint’s day.

