Promoting language skills in primary school sprachförderung-son s


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Cálida bienvenida

Workshop: „Promoting language skills in primary school through inquiry based learning with biographies”

Scientix Conference Brüssel 2014

Vorstand: Prof. Otto Lührs, Dr. Ulrich Scheller, Dr. Jörg Gutschank, Dr. Ute Hänsler, Mario Spies Geschäftsführung: Stefanie SchlunkHauptförderer: Arbeitgeberverband Gesamtmetall im Rahmen der Initiative THINK ING.

Lantern Moon and Hot Ears-

Promotion of language skills

- from teacher for teachers

- teacher do not need special scientific


- collection texts with work orders

- covers standard topics of science teaching

Lantern Moon and Hot Ears-

Promotion of language skills

- containing opportunities to challenge

pupils to communicate

- iquiry-based learning

- insights into the lives of contemporary

scientists and engineers

Language and science

Once there was a day when a man

articulated a tone, a noun, to name some-

thing, an object or an event in his environment.

On this day language was born, but also science, because at the beginning words were nothing else than the understanding of natural phenomena and the intention to organise this.

The first words were nouns, followed by verbs that describe activities, then came adjectives and adverbs. This allows us to specify our perception of objects and activities. Yves Quéré (Member of the French Academy of Sciences) bird tree

Over there a yellow bird is sitting on the branch of a tree with green leaves and waits for a female that he wants to invite for pairing with his wonderful singing.

Albert Einstein: "The whole of science is nothing more than some refinement of simple thoughts in daily life. "

Basic needs (by Krapp):

-fostering experience of our own abilities and skills -Self-sufficiency-Self-determination-Social embeddedness

• self development, mainly in dealing with other people• Interaction language - cognitive development (understanding bound to own linguistic formulations)

Language and communication skills: essential for coping with everyday life and for a successful education

Language skills





Everyday language -> language of formal instruction -> special language: from clearness to accuracy

Everyday language•understanding in daily life, in concrete situations •often focused specifically on the social environment •little differentiated vocabulary necessary •deictic elements

Everyday language -> language of formal instruction -> special language: from clearness to accuracy

Language of formal instruction•regardless of the specific situation •appropriate and purposeful formulations•orientated on the written language •abstract, complex in structure (eg, passive constructions, nominalisations, words with contextual meaning diversity)

Everyday language -> language of formal instruction -> special language: from clearness to accuracy

Special language•specifically for each science •is used for communication within the professional community •strictly defined basic terms, neologisms (subject-related compound words like 60-watt-bulb...) •subject-specific vocabulary, compact conceptual constructions, nominal style, passive constructions ...

Special language spoken in school

• substructure of the respective special language

• step by step into the jargon of science• increasing degree of abstraction

1."Look, it moves them."

2."Pins can be moved by magnets."

3."Magnets attract some metals."

Causes of speech problems

• cognitive, neurological, sensory impairment • impairment of short term memory (difficulties in

naming, recall of words or facts) • lack of language models • lack of promotion of action-orientated language

acquisition • little knowledge of spoken language in lessons

Do you understand?


Children with problems in language come to know the language of instruction as a barrier which they can not get over by itself.

-> aggression, resignation, silence

Biography Mona Goudarzi

-as little girl she was very interested in a certain technical device: the televison-„how the people, animals and objects got inside the TV?“-she had two older brothers, who were also interested in technology -the brothers told her about technology-Mona helped her brothers to build their devices

Biography Mona Goudarzi

-grew up in iran-came to germany with 16 years-teachers quickly saw, that she enjoyed thinking about technical problems-teachers advised her to choose a technical profession-she became a mechanical engineer-member of an research group that works with wind turbines in Hannover

Practical part: building a wind turbine(groups of 4-6 persons)

material: •20 sheets of paper •tape •1-5 pins •scissors

Build a wind turbine with a functioning rotor as high and stable as possible with this material. Your wind turbine should have something special aesthetically and has to stay alone (not tape it onto the table!).




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