Protecting our children



alternatives to guns for protecting students and staff in schools; a request of Congress;

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Protecting our children



How do we make schools safe?

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Teach our children . . .

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. . . to respond to violence with violence?

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Here is a better idea.

First: place protective shielding in every room . . . Like SWAT shielding.

. . . Or tactical blankets.

Additional examples can be found at sites like

These could be used to shield students, and to move in on a shooter.

Additional examples can be found at sites like

Second: make shooters more vulnerable.

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How?Shooters are most vulnerable


. . . Which Congress is now debating.

. . . Limiting gun clips to ten rounds.

Ten shootsbefore


Ten students or teachersbefore


This is a beginningBut REALLY!

Would that be legal if shooters were hunting deer?

IF shooters are more vulnerableWhen reloading.

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Congress must force them to reloadmore often and more slowly.

Ideally ..give students

the same chance we give deer.

One trigger – one shot – reload.

Realistically . . . Congress . . .

. . . to limit gun clips to ten roundsmight be a good beginning.

Ten rounds at a squeeze is better than twenty

. . . but the problem is . . .

CLIPS allow the shooter toRE-LOAD

ten more bulletsas QUICKLY as it takes to load one bullet.


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Please, Congress . . . ban rifles with clips.

Begin with rifles, then debate handguns.

This still leaves rifles that hold multiple bullets.

Shooters can still shootten or more studentsbefore reloading . . .

BUT!Reloading these guns happens

one bullet at a time,



• Place shielding in every classroom.• Teachers can protect students.• Teachers can subdue shooters using it.

• Ban rifles using clips.• Slow down reloading.• Make shooter vulnerable.• More time to subdue shooter.

• Teach students to deal with violence without resorting to violence.


These brief comments do not raise all the issues or answer all the questions .. they are not meant to end the debate but to further it.

I believe there are alternatives to arming teachers or having armed guards roaming the school halls. More guns or more violence are not the answer to violence .. history teaches this.

Please think creatively and suggest alternatives.
