Publish your E-Book (In 10 Steps)



The basics on how YOU can publish your very own e-book! Links:

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Publish Your E-BookIn Ten Easy Steps

Presenter: John WeeksManaging EditorOur Books Cambodia

(Shameless Plug.)

Presentation is mostly verbal: links on final slide. Images from Wikimedia Commons / varied sitesImage credit also: Clint Cure and Nguon Sakal

How did I get my book on Amazon…

…the iBookStore…

…and many other places?

I’ve done it, you can do it too!

1. Write, edit and prepare your book.

2. Choose your audience.

What language, what country, what stores?

(The iBookStore does not accept Khmer.)

3. Choose a marketing plan.

4. Choose your price.(Amazon does not allow you sell books for free.)

5. Choose your publishing service.

Ideally, one without ‘Digital Rights Management’

6. You’ll need a Credit Card.

7. Get an ‘ISBN’ Number

8. Format your book for upload, and check the results carefully

9. Publish your book!

10. Share your book with reviewers, press and friends.

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