Qcl 14-v3 cause-andeffect_banasthaliuniversity_varshitasingh


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SUBMITTED BY:Deeksha Gautam

Sneha KantVarshita Singh

What is a Cause And Effect Diagram?

A Cause-and-Effect Diagram is a tool that helps identify, sort, and display possible causes of a specific problem or quality characteristic . It graphically illustrates the relationship between a given outcome and all the factors that influence the outcome. This type of diagram is sometimes called an "Ishikawa diagram" because it was invented by Kaoru Ishikawa, or a "fishbone diagram" because of the way it looks

When should a team use a Cause-And-Effect Diagram?Constructing a Cause-and-Effect Diagram can help your team when you need to:•Identify the possible root causes, the basic reasons, for a specific effect,problem, or condition.•Sort out and relate some of the interactions among the factors affecting aparticular process or effect.•Analyse existing problems so that corrective action can be taken.

Why should we use a Cause-and-Effect Diagram?

Helps determine the root causes of a problem or quality characteristic using a structured approach.

Encourages group participation and utilizes group knowledge of theprocess.

Increases knowledge of the process by helping everyone to learn more about the factors at work and how they relate.

Identifies areas where data should be collected for further study.

Basic Layout of Cause-And-Effect Diagram

Late Arrival of Students

Three Root Causes

Lectures are not appetising

The major cause of students getting late for lectures is that they do not find the lectures much appetising hence they don’t care whether they are on time or not.

Getting up late

Assignments, projects, parties. Let it be any xyz reason, students find it difficult to get up early in the morning after a tiresome mindboggling schedule from day to night. Hectic Schedule may also contribute in this particular aspect. It is tiresome and students find it difficult to feel freshen up and get up early.

CONTD… Emotional and Psychological reasons

Late arrival of students to the class may have emotional or psychological reasons behind. There may be a number of things that disturbs a student mind and make him depressed and illogical at times. Such as, decreased motivation in daily activities, conflicts with roommates or in family, disrupted sleeps

Solutions To Overcome the Root Causes

Boring Lectures:

Overcoming the first root cause is a two way process.

Students and the management could work on this effectively. Making the lectures interactive and relating them to real world would make the lectures interesting and worth pondering. The teachers and professors could make the environment lighter rather than grave.

Getting up late:Indeed a hard task for engineering students. Being piled up by numerous assignments, huge syllabus and late night birthday parties, it becomes difficult to get up early and attend the classes on time with activeness. A scheduled 8/9am to 6pm regular classes and then extra activities till 9pm becomes difficult to manage. In this case students can well plan their four years of course in the first year itself and work accordingly. The type of activities to take up after classes consulting from teachers and seniors would be highly effective in this case.

Emotional and Psychological reasons:For being active and ready for a mental work, one needs to be emotionally and psychologically capable and strong enough. To overcome this cause of late arrival of students ,proper counselling cells should work in the university.Teachers, professors and mentors should be sensitive towards students. Students and teacher relationship must be friendly and open rather than excessively strict and purely rules guided. Parents should support their children keeping in mind their level of mental pressure . Student should prepare a priority list and work accordingly in order to avoid disrupted sleep patterns, negativity in mind and decreased motivation etc.

Lessons Learnt By The Team Cause-effect diagram helps in analysing the problem in a very systematic

manner use the why-why logic. It helps in relating the problems to various factors and hence

improvement is easy to achieve. In this particular case of ‘Late arrival of students’, categorising the

numerous reasons into three wide categories helps viewing the problem in an orderly manner.

Analysing any problem with the help of cause effect diagram is highly beneficial in many ways:

Better understanding of problems.All the factors come into picture.Improvement in process can be done effectively.Better solutions to the problems are obtained.The problem can be solved in less time and effective manner.