Questionnaire results


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The gender split evenly, 50% for both males and females. This is an advantage to

my findings as there will be an equal balance of male to female views



Some males ticked more than one option in this

question which shows their variety in music tastes. The

majority of them ticked ‘rock’ as their preference



Females also ticked more than one answer. The

majority of them ticked ‘rock’ as their preference

Music Storage


Music storage is anything that holds music for example and iPod

Hours Listening to Music per Day

01-2 hours3-4 hours4+

How do you get your music?

The majority of people said they downloaded their music illegally, however there was an almost balance as many people said they purchased it, whether that be online or in stores. They could tick more than one option as there are many ways of getting a hold of

music. The reason I have not put this in a chart is because the results would not fit

How much would you pay for an album


How do you listen to music


There were a range of results for this as there are many ways of listening to music. The people could also choose more than one

option as they might listen to music in different ways

Do you read music magazines - male


Do you read music magazines - female


The next question was ‘How often do you read them?’ the majority of people choose the ‘every couple of weeks’ option as this is typically when new releases of magazines are brought out, such as Kerrang!

The main magazines they read were either Kerrang! or Q. Both of these are rock magazines which supports my plan for coursework

subscribed to magazines?


Do you feel magazines target more males or females?


What attracts you to a magazine?

• The majority of answers for this question were either:

• Good artists involved• The front cover is catching• There are good articles/news in the magazine

Do you think there is a place for another types of magazine?


The next question was ‘which genre do you feel could have their own magazine?’. The response to this was mainly Indie, but in the

option for other they said that there were already enough magazines for each type of genre but there could be a rock

magazine aimed at girls as they can be aimed at males most of the time

Would you want extras within the magazine?

• All of the answers said yes, the most popular suggestions were:

• Posters• Cd’s

If you do not buy magazines why is this?

• The main answer for this was that they could find out everything they needed to know via the internet

• Others said it was because they were too expensive

• Nobody said it was because they had no interest in music

do you own any band merchandise?


if so what do you own?

Wrist BandPosterAutographCDHoodieTops

Again they could choose more than on option which is why there are so

many results for this question

Favourite artist?

• The kooks• You me at six• Bring me the horizon• Katy Perry These were the majority of results collected

are you more likely to purchase a mag-azine if your favourite artist is on it?
