Questionnaire results - amimatic


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Questionnaire Results - Amimatic

MEGAN GRIFFITHS Questionnaire Results - Animatic

Question One Here, I have asked my demographic target audience to fill out the questionnaire in order to produce valid feedback.

Question Two I chose to ask 50% of females and 50% of males to fill out the questionnaire so I could get a variety of opinions from both genders equally.

Question ThreeWhat do you like about the animatic?.I like the digital sound effects, I think it relates it more to social media. I like the countdown from 5-1 as it adds tension.Some of the shots, like the close eye shot I liked because it related technology to human beings which are complete opposites. I loved the intertitles and the billing block. I thought it looked professional.

Question FourHere I was able to see that only half of people were able to fully understand the storyline of the animatic. In a way, I see this as a good thing as I didnt want to give too much away in the animatic, so that the audience were kept wanting more.

But, in other ways, I see this as something to improve, as I do want the audience to get the gist of what the animatic is about. For the film trailer, I am going to make sure that the audience fully understands what the trailer is about, however, they are kept in the dark as to how the story ends etc.

Question Five What did you think of the use of sounds for the animatic?. I liked the use of the notification sounds, however, they became annoying after a while. The beginning soundtrack went nicely with the happy beginning. I think you should of included a consistent soundtrack to reflect the bad moments.

Question SixHere we can see that the majority of people would watch it if it were a film. However, 10% of people wouldnt which means I need to look closely at the criticisms and work with my target audience a lot more to discover their ideal teen drama/psychological thriller to watch.

Question Seven How could I improve for next time?.You could include shots to add more content and more of a story.Add more sounds e.g. A tension building soundtrack for the ending e.g. The shots with the countdown etc.Make the storyline less predictable.Jumble up some of the shots to make it look less like a short story and more like a trailer.

Reflection By looking at the feedback, I have lots of advice to work towards a better trailer. For the making of the trailer, I am going to make sure I:Plan the shots carefully, making sure not too much of the storyline is being leaked, but enough for the audience to work out what the film is about. This means going back to the storyboard and altering the shots. I am also going to take into consideration the soundtrack. I am going to make sure I chose my soundtrack carefully, watching multiple trailers of the same genre to give me more of an idea as to what soundtrack suits different parts.