Rajagiri National Business Quiz 2011 Prelims



Prelims of the Rajagiri National Quiz 2011 hosted by Rohit Nair of QuizWorks. Winners: TCS, Chennai - JK +Sreekant Runners Up: Symbiosis Law School, Pune - Sachin + Ravi

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With interests varying from Financial Services and IT to Plantations & Precious Metals, this family group runs a 143

year old business house that is based in Kerala.

Identify the business group.


Inspiration for the symbol came from the Greek epsilon – a reference to the cradle of European

civilization crossed by two parallel lines to ‘certify’ the stability.

Which symbol are we discussing?


Which was the third club , after Manchester United and Barcelona F.C, to have launched a co-branded

credit card in their name?


This stamp was launched by India Post in 1998 to celebrate 100 years of this company.

Which company ?


Where would you find this

landmark plaque?

(Looking for a

company’s name)


"It's not an apple, it's not an orange, it's not a strawberry, it's not a root beer, it's not even a cola. It's a different

kind of drink with a unique taste all its own." The CEO of which brand about its unique taste?


What is calculated using this formula?


Founded in 1994 by children's rights activist Kailash Satyarthi, this is a network of non-profit organizations dedicated to ending illegal child labour in the industry.

What foundation/logo?


This brand of Cigar was established in 1968 as a limited production private brand supplied exclusively to Fidel

Castro and high-level officials in the Communist Party of Cuba and Cuban government.

The brand was launched as a Premium Cigar brand into markets in 1982 in conjunction with the World Cup held

in Spain.

Which Cigar Brand?


Govinda’s is a chain of pure vegetarian restaurants run by which organization?


EURion, Microlettering, Latent Image, Fluorescence, Optically Variable Ink, Silver, Open Space, Interwoven

Fibres are techniques used on what?


Codified in the 15th Century by Luca Pacioli, which system is a set of rules for recording financial information

in which every transaction changes two different ledger accounts.


This entrepreneur and his wife Poonam started this company in their house, naming one room as ‘US’ and the

other as ‘India’. In one room, they wrote instructions to convert data from paper documents to computers. In another room, a group

of MIT students typed out the data into a Flexowriter machine.

Which Indian company’s history?


Derived from the old French term for purse, this is a plan of all expenses and revenues.

What word?


Which term refers to how sailors would wind twine around rolls of tobacco leaves allowing them to

mature under compression, and then slice off the end shredding the tobacco.


- Is a type of fish - A Business & Technology Magazine

- A financial expression used to divert attention from the item of significance.

What common word?



The first recorded use of the Electronic Voting Machine was for the Assembly elections of which

state, in 1982?


Founder Chairman and Managing Director of

Mudra Communications, who

is the author of this book?