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Pregnancy Prevention after Sexual Assault





Pregnant by Rape


Is it ethically correct for females who have been raped to be able to defend herself against a potential conception from the assault

FoundationThe Human Person • Material composite• Spiritual composite

“Man, though made of body and soul, is a unity. Through his very bodily condition he sums up in himself the elements of the material world….for this reason man may not despise his bodily life. Rather he is obliged to regard his

body as good and to hold it in honor since God has created it and will raise it up on the last day” (CCC, n. 364) (pg 4)

Foundation continued

The clinical decision to for medical intervention for contraceptive and not abortifacient are based on:• The female’s menstrual history• Blood testing providing results of patient hormonal level

and timing of ovulatory cycle• Results of the patients ovulation test

Foundation continued

Three questions must be resolved before interventions are permissible by the Catholic Church.• Whether the female survivor of the sexual assault is an

appropriate candidate for hormonal treatment to inhibit ovulation• How effective such treatment is• Whether the treatment has any post-fertilization effect

Foundation continued

The Catholic moral tradition has three basic factors that shape the morality of an act • The Objection• The Intention• The Circumstances

Principles continuedTotality and Integrity• Mental Stability and the good of the whole

Ordinary and Extraoridinary Mean• Great effort• Severe pain/mental anguish• Expensive

Confidentiality• Non-judgemental

Principles continued

Double effects• Good effects from a bad means• Pros and cons

Common good Conscience

Premises continuedThe Catholic Church Views on Rape

“Rape is an intrinsically evil Act” In accord with the Ethical and Religious directives for Catholic

Health Care Services the care for the rape victim has four aspects• Spiritual and psychological support• Health care providers cooperating with law enforcement• Treatment for any injuries• Health care providers must provide treatment to prevent STDs

and pregnancy

Premises continued Rights of the rape victimA woman has the moral right to prevent the pregnancy for the following reasons

Rape is an act of force and violence unlike the conjugal love in marriage The woman is not responsible for the action and has the right to prevent the

pregnancy The rapist including his sperm is an unjust aggressor who has violated the woman’s



Conceived in Rape


You Named Me No One -
