Reflexion projekt werbung gr. 5


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Name: Jacob Cirulis Datum: Dienstag, 25. Januar 2011

Over the past few weeks in German, you have been working on a line of

inquiry connected to the Advertisement Unit. We have been looking into

new language and technique used in advertising.

Was war die zentrale Idee dieser Einheit? (What was the central idea of the


The central idea of this unit was to teach the students how to persuade and

how much advertising influences us to buy things.

Was denkst du über das Projekt und deine Arbeit? (How do you feel about

the project and your work?

I feel that our group did pretty well on this project because we were able to

present the product very well and we followed all the instructions given, but

I feel that we could have been a little bit more creative.


Hat dir die Teamarbeit Spass gemacht? (Did you enjoy working in a team

and why?) I enjoyed working in a group because with a group there are

people so the project gets done faster.

Welches Produkt hast du kreiert und wer ist das Zeilpublikum? (What

product did you create and who is your target audience?) Our product was

an energy drink called Mixi and our target audience is everybody over 10

years old.

Wie überzeugst du dein Zielpublikum, das Produkt zu kaufen? (Why would

your target audience buy your product?) Our target audience would buy

our product because it gives you energy for the whole day.

Was hast du während dieser Einheit gelernt? (Which aspects of language

did you learn during this unit?) I learned some advertising terms in German

such as “Jetzt kaufen”.

Hat dir die Präsentation Spass gemacht? Warum? Did you enjoy

presenting the product/advertisement you have created to a larger

audience and why? I enjoyed presenting this to a larger audience because

it was fun to show off my German skills.

Was hat dir am Projekt am Besten gefallen? Warum? (Which part/s of the

project did you like best and why?)

The parts of the project that i liked best was presenting it because it was

fun to talk to people in german abouthe product.

Was hat dir nicht so gut gefallen? Warum? (What did you not enjoy as

much and why?)

The part of the project that I did not enjoy ad much was translating the

words because there was a lot of goofing off at that part of the project.
