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What is a river?

A river is a natural channel down which water flows to a sea or a lake. Most rivers begin in mountains as rainwater or melting snow.

Rivers are home to many animals

Otter (mammal)Otters are curious, playful and intelligent. They are fast and agile swimmers.

Kingfisher (bird)They live along rivers and streams where they dive for fish.

Nile Crocodile (reptile)They guard their eggs until they hatch and then carry their babies to the water.

Common frog (amphibian)Common frogs can jump more than seven times their own length, that's like an athlete leaping over a bus.

Red-bellied piranha (fish)A large group of piranhas can attack big animals by ripping away chunks of flesh with their razor sharp teeth.

Dragonfly (insect)Dragonflies can fly backwards, change direction in mid-air and hover for up to a minute.

How do we use rivers?

As well as being a home for lots of different animals, rivers are very useful for people. We use them for:

DrinkingFarmingIndustryPowerPlaying and sportTransport

Rivers shape the landscape

Rivers cut valleys and waterfalls into the landscape. The incredible Grand Canyon was created by the Colorado River over thousands of years.


The longest river in the UK is the river Severn. It is 220 miles long and flows into the sea at Bristol.

The longest river in the world is the River Nile. It is 4,132 miles in length and flows through 11 countries, such as Kenya and Egypt. It finishes in the Mediterranean Sea.

Did you know that the longest river in Europe is the river Volga and it is in Russia. It measures an incredible 2,294 miles.
