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A Power Point over Tom Chatfield's TED Speech

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Tom Chatfield: 7 ways games reward the brain

Gaming Theorist

Writer of FUNINC.

“What games do that no other medium does is provide experiential learning, which is fundamentally an iterative experience; you do it again and again, learning a bit more each time.” - Tom Chatfield

Tom thinks that Video Games and certain aspects of video games can change the world, mostly in Business and Education.

Tracking aspects in peoples lives like Data in Video Game and then Reward people based on their Progression in a Event.

The Video Game Industry is Growing at very fast rate. Its

expected to be the Biggest form of Entertainment, over Movies and Music. Predicted to be worth $84 Billon in 2014.

Tom Chatfield captures his audience by showing the Expansiveness of the Gaming Industry.

Also by just using the simple subject of video games will capture most peoples attention. It grabs mine instantly.

Tom Chatfield ends the introduction by saying Games may be one of the Most Important Inventions of Mankind.

Tom does a good job of keeping his speech Simple and Easy to understand. Seven Main Points, and explanations of Gaming Statistics and Common Knowledge

Keeps his Voice Calm and Emphasizes the key points. While keeping the presentation Simple and Clean.

I would have to rate Tom Chatfield’s 7 ways games reward the brain at a 4/5

I think the speech could have been better by going into more details. Like discussing where to apply these methods of gaming in life. Otherwise it was very good.

Tom does a great job of Emphasizing the important parts of his Subject, keeping it Simple, Sweet, and Straight to the point.

I hope to take this advice and apply this in my speeches in this class, and for the rest of my career and life.

He seems to be quite confident in what he is saying and really does believe Video Games can help people in many ways.

Sir Ken Robinson and Tom Chatfield both talk about how to better Humankind. Ken Robinson focuses more on Education and how our system is old and broken and needs to be revised to better future generations.

Tom talks about how to better more than education. Also more specific on the methods to do so. Using Ideas and concepts from video games to apply in business, education, and any areas of life.

Sir Ken Robinson discusses how a child's simple creativity and ideas that can seem weird to adults already programmed through our education system.

He thinks that some of the misunderstood qualities of children that we try to teach and train out of their system can be a spring of genius in certain fields and areas.

“If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original.” ― Ken Robinson, The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything

“Creativity is as important now in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status.” ― Ken Robinson

“within a programmable machine, it is possible to create a uniquely engaged, compelling kind of interactive experience.” #in Fun Inc.: Why Gaming Will Dominate the Twenty-First Century

Tom wants to use the psychology of video games combined with a reward system to help motivate and benefit people in a positive way to help better people in areas they need improving.

Both of these speakers have the same idea about bettering people through new methods, different ways on how to do this. If its in education or business, it will better people as a whole.

If we can take any thing from this TED speech, be passionate about your topic.

Keep your ideas short, sweet, and to the point makes it more interesting and easier for the audience to hold interest.

Try to have fun and enjoy what you are doing and what you are discussing.