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  • 1. Romania

2. Capital:Bucharest Currency: Romanian leu Languages spoken: Romanian Language Type of government: Unitary state, Semipresidential system, Republic Size of country: 22,334,312 in July 2000 Time zone: Eastern European Time Zone(UTC+02:00), Eastern European Summer Time(UTC+03:00), UTC+02:00 3. Flag of Romania: Three vertical stripes: red, yellow and blue and represent the blood of the people, grains which feed the people and the sky. Ethnic Groups: Romanian 89%, Hungarian 6.5%, Gipsy 3.2%, Ukrainian, German, Other 1.3% Religions: Christian Orthodox 78%, Greek-Catholic 10%, Roman Catholic 5%, Protestant 5%, Jewish, Unitarian Climate: Temperate, four distinct seasons, similar to northeastern USA Romanias terrain is almost evenly divided between mountains, hills and plains (Mountains: 31% of Romania's territory, Hills and orchards: 36%, Plains: 33%) 4. The Carpathian Mountains are home to one of the largest undisturbed forests in Europe. Romania has the second-largest outdoor museum in the world. Astra Museum in Sibiu features more than 300 buildings as well as watermills and windmills, gigantic presses for wine, fruit and oil, hydraulic forges and structures representing village architectural styles from many parts of Romania ( ource=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Z3l8Usr1FcOprA ellYGQDQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih= 681) Romania's Danube Delta is a World Heritage site and is the second largest delta in the whole of Europe. 5. Numberof AIESEC entities in the country. (14 LCs) Number of members in AIESEC in the country ( aprox 1200). Number of exchanges they do in GCDP. (Total of TN Forms currently Available: 193, Total of EP Forms currently Available: 30, Total of TN Forms currently Matched: 69, Total of EP Forms currently Matched: 12) President of that AIESEC entity. ( Eduard Till) 6. The only latin country in East-Europe The archetypical vampire Count Dracula, created by Bram Stoker, was inspired by the pitiless Romanian general Vlad Tepes, also known as Vlad the Impaler because one of his favorite ways of punishing people was by impaling them. Martisor - is an old Romanian celebration at the beginning of spring, on March the 1st, which according to old calendar was also considered as the beginning of the new year.[1] Symbolically, it is correlated to women and to fertility as a means of life and continuity Romanians give each other amulets by the same name to show their appreciation for each other. 7. New Year's Day is celebrated on 1 and 2 January. In Moldavia, the new year is brought in by a procession of people dressed as goats. In a rural tradition called plugusorul, a plow is decorated with green leaves and pulled throughout the village Easter is the most important holiday in the Eastern Orthodox calendar. Its observation begins on Palm Sunday, when palm leaves or pussy willows are brought home from church. This is followed by the forty-day period of atonement of Lent, which ends on Good Friday. Easter Sunday, three days later, is celebrated with elaborately decorated eggs, feasting, and a midnight mass. 8. Romanians are said to be one of the most welcoming and friendliest people in the world. Romanians are known for hospitality and generosity. Guests are always fed. Men indicate their respect for women by a tip of the hat, a kiss on the hand, or standing to offer them a seat. It is also customary for younger people to defer to their elders. Oin - Romanian traditional sport, similar in many ways to baseball Doina - Romanian folk music, often mournful ( The national dance is the hora, a circle dance performed at festive occasions. Different regions have unique dances performed in pairs and groups ( 9. Crnai sausages which may be smoked and/or dry-cured; Caltabo emulsified sausage based on liver with consistency from fine (pate) to coarse; Sngerete (black pudding) an emulsified sausage obtained from a mixture of pig's blood with fat and meat, grain or bread crumbs and spices. Tob (headcheese) based on pig's feet, ears and meat from the head suspended in aspic and stuffed in pig stomach; Tochitur pan-fried cubed pork served with mmlig and wine ("so that the pork can swim"); Piftie inferior parts of the pig, mainly the tail, feet and ears, spiced with garlic and served in aspic; Jumri dried pork remaining from rendering of the fat and tumbled through various spices; 10. Sarmale- minced meat with rice, wrapped in either pickled cabbage leaves or vine leaves Ciorbde perioare (meatball sour soup) 11. Cozonac- a kind of Stollen made with leavened dough, into which milk, eggs, sugar, butter, and other ingredients are mixed Pasca- a sweet cheese cream cake 12. Maramure- home to many villages where century-old traditions are still part of daily life Transilvania - home to some of Europes best-preserved medieval towns, featuring Old Saxon architecture and citadel ruins. In Transilvania you can visit Brasov, Sibiu with its cobblestone streets and pastel-colored houses, and Sighisoara, adorned with a hilltop citadel, secret passageways and a 14th century clock tower. Tiny shops offer antiques and fine hand-made products by local artists. 13. TheDanube Delta - the second largest delta in Europe, after the Volga Delta, and the best preserved on the continent. It has 16 protected reserves where pelicans and cormorants fish. Purple herons, spoonbills, ospreys, cranes, falcons, eagles, egrets, swans and red-breasted geese all gather in the Delta, as do some rare species such as the griffon vulture, teal and the sheld duck. Moldova - you can visit the old monasteries of: Putna, Dragomirna, Bogdana-Radauti, Neamt, Agapia 14. - Voronet Monastery, Voronets most stunning feature is a Last Judgment fresco painted. Voronet Monastery, Voronets most stunning feature is a Last Judgment fresco painted Oltenia - you can visit the Constantin Brancusi architectural complex in Targu Jiu, with its famous masterpieces: Endless Column, Gate of the Kiss, Table of Silence and Avenue of Chairs. Bucovina 15. 1.2. 3. 4.5. 6.Visit Sighioara See the Danube Delta Visit the Bran Castle Eat traditional food and drink uica Visit Maramure(its a MUST) Drive the Transfgran - The best road in the world, according to the editors of BBC Top Gear 16. 7. Visit the monasteries 8. Visit the Happy Cemetery Spna 9. Fagaras mountain range - A magnet for walkers and adrenaline junkies, this superb mountain range has fourteen peaks over 2,500m (8,200 ft) and a succession of spectacular alpine lakes. Perfect place for trekking. 10. Sit in the Union Square in Timioara and drink a coffee in the chilly air of a spring morning 17. To visit Romania the only thing that you need is an open mind and desire to know the country.
