Royal parks


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Royal Parks of London

Prepared by Ann Vorobjeva Form 6 “A”

The Royal Parks of London were used by the royal family for the recreation, mostly hunting

There are today eight royal parks in London. They are

* Bushy Park * The Green Park * Greenwich Park * Hyde Park * Kensington Gardens * The Regent's Park * Richmond Park * St. James's Park

Bushy Park

Bushy Park is the second largest of the Royal Parks of London. It is in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames in south-west London and most of it is open to the public

Bushy Park

Dukes Head walk in Winter

Bushy Park

One of the park's deer

Green park

Green park

Green park

Green park

Greenwich park

Greenwich Park is a former hunting park in Greenwich and one of the largest single green spaces in south east London.

Greenwich park

Greenwich park

Greenwich park

Greenwich park

Hyde park

Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London and one of the Royal Parks of London, famous for its Speakers' Corner

Hyde park

Hyde park

A Speakers' Corner is an area where public speaking is allowed.

The Upside-down Tree

Hyde park

Holocaust Memorial

Hyde park

Ferris Wheel at the Christmas Market, November 2008

Hyde park

The main Live 8 concert in Hyde Park on 2 July 2005

Hyde park

An aerial view of the park

Kensington gardens

Kensington Gardens

is one of the Royal Parks of London, lying immediately to the west of Hyde Park.

Kensington gardens

Kensington gardens

Kensington gardens

Kensington gardens

Statue to Peter Pan The Albert Memorial

Regent’s park

Regent’s park

The north-east end of the park contains London Zoo

Regent’s park

Regent’s park

Richmond Park is a park within London. It is almost three times as large as

New York City's Central Park. It is the largest royal park

Deer in Richmond Park

St. James's Park is the oldest of the Royal Parks of London

St. James's Park

St. James's Park

St. James's Park

St. James's Park
