Secret Languages... A Digital Lexicon



This is a PDF version of my Keynote for the Digital Learning Conference 2014 in Vancouver BC. The presentation is about how I set the "magic" of digital information in the "logic" of it. Did you know Binary Code was invented in 1690? Exacty. Magic. Boom.

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Secret Languages Lisa Read

@LisaRead #edchatbc

What makes it a codeAnd why is it secret?

HieroglyphsPicture this first secret


SemaphoreGetting yellow

flagged really meant something

The Binary CodeOne one zero one one one one

Morse Code Dash off a note, Dot--scientists look for link between

Binary and Morse

The Enigma Machine

A puzzle wrapped in a mystery

HTMLHackers Thank Me Later

Or....h@xx0rsZomg eleven eleven ur pwned, n00b

Scratch that....Once more around the


Aunty Meme

Or, what's memes got to do with it?

WordleUbiquitous by name, ubiquitous by nature....

The point again?

• The magic behind the logic

• Speaking the native language

• Not throwing the baby out with the diorama

• Never be afraid to mix metaphors....malapropisms are the new mash ups
