Sense perception and language



Presentation on Sense Perception and Language for ToK

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Sense Perception and LanguageTWO WAYS OF KNOWING

The Ways of Knowing – a reminder

LanguageSense perceptionEmotionIntuition


What is a Way of Knowing? Means by which we acquire or gain knowledge. Means by which we justify our knowledge claims. Means by which we communicate or share our knowledge. Discreet or interwoven?

◦ Language and reason◦ Intuition and memory◦ Memory and reason ◦ Sense perception and emotion

Which Ways of Knowing? To gain knowledge? To justify their conclusions? To communicate their knowledge?

Which Ways of Knowing? To gain knowledge? To justify her claim? To communicate her knowledge?

Which Ways of Knowing? To gain knowledge? To justify claims? To communicate knowledge claims?

Language◦What do we mean by Language as a way of knowing?◦ In what contexts do we encounter language?◦The role of language in the acquisition of knowledge.◦The role of language in evaluating, confirming, justifying knowledge claims.

◦The role of language in communicating our knowledge.

Problems with Language

A word or a sentence:◦What do I understand by what you said?

◦Do I understand the same as the next person?

◦What did you intend to communicate?

Problems with Language



◦Secondary meaning



◦Irony or sarcasm




“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must

be in want of a wife.”

Consider the following:◦ Context (who, what, when, where?)◦ Literal meaning.◦ Intended meaning.◦ Is it indeed a ‘truth universally acknowledged’?

It is a truth universally acknowledged that when one part of your life starts going okay, another falls spectacularly to pieces. Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones’ Diary

Context and meaning It is true that most stupid people are conservative.

Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that

most stupid people are conservative. John Stuart Mill

It is true that liberty is precious

It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully

rationed. Lenin

The meaning of words Bossy -- Dominant

Cheap -- Inexpensive

Cocky -- Confident

Conceited -- Self-confident

Cowardly -- Prudent

Difficult -- Challenging

Fat – Overweight

Foolish -- Unwise

Nag -- Remind


Collateral damage

Friendly fire


Ethnic cleansing

Pre-emptive strike


Take out

Freedom fighter

Sense Perception What are the senses?

◦ Sight

◦ Hearing

◦ Touch

◦ Smell

◦ Taste

The senses and reliability

We have limitations

We suffer from illusions (and others create illusions)

We make choices (and others make choices for us).

Points of View

Limitations What other limitations can you think of?


At other points in time?

How might they affect the acquisition or justification of knowledge?

The senses and reliability

We have limitations

We suffer from illusions (and others create illusions)

We make choices (and others make choices for us).

Points of View

Illusions and uncertainties Can you trust what you see/hear/feel/smell/taste?

Do you see/hear/feel/smell/taste the same as someone else?

For more on this see Beau Lotto’s talk on TED

The senses and reliability

We have limitations

We suffer from illusions (and others create illusions)

We make choices (and others make choices for us).

Points of View


The senses and reliability

We have limitations

We suffer from illusions (and others create illusions)

We make choices (and others make choices for us).

Points of View

Points of view - the VJ Day Kiss Photo

"Suddenly, I was grabbed by a sailor. It wasn't that much of a kiss." she said in a 2005 interview with the Veterans History Project. "I felt that he was very strong. He was just holding me tight. I'm not sure about the was just somebody celebrating. It wasn't a romantic event.

Do you believe/trust/understand......

What you read?

It is as difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven as it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.

What you see?
