Serving displaced students


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Serving Displaced Students

By Joshua Rutherford


• Steps to properly serving displaced students– Identification of displaced students– Education of staff– Education of student body– Development of programs for before/during/after


Identification Can be Difficult


• Displaced students come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

• Displaced students can be:– Homeless– Living with extended family– Living with friends– Living in hotels or motels– Children of migrant workers

Education of staff is ImperativeAn uneducated teacher could give the wrong impression or cause the student to close off and shut down completely.

The Right Kind of Impression

A well educated teacher who understands the difficulties that the displaced students are facing, will be able to engage and excite the students in the classroom.

Educating the Students

When students don’t understand why others dress a certain way or act a different way, complications and confrontations can occur.

Bullying and fights are only some of the problems that arise from not understanding others.

Working together!

Students who understand where their classmates come from want to help and learn with each other.

Before School Programs

Displaced students may not have food where they live and free breakfast is a perfect way to wake up. Morning tutorials and counseling sessions also make for a stimulated beginning to the day.

During School

Computer based instruction and counseling sessions are great times during the day where displaced students can begin to feel safe and accepted.

After School Programs

A variety of after school programs help to create a safe and enriching environment for displaced students. They can also create a feeling of self worth and pride in the students.

Words to Teach By
