Showcasing Great Content: Don't Bury the Lede



Harvard Law School (HLS) had a problem. They had amazing, high quality news content being created daily by the school that was not only getting lost quickly after it was published on the home page, but publishing it in the first place was a labor-intensive chore. Their old CMS didn’t publish in real-time, had no tagging functionality, and was neither mobile-friendly nor particularly accessible. And those were just a few of the problems. This case study will address how a small department with limited resources moved to WordPress and become a proof of concept for redesigning and migrating the entire HLS site, helping to shape the whole school’s online strategy.

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Showcasing Great Content: Don’t Bury the Lede

Julie Vakoc @julparkProject Manager / Harvard Law School

#hewebNE #ne13

Big Picture: HLS site

Site doesn’t represent the brand

Can’t tag or share content

Navigation issues

Not responsive or accessible

Need better front end design

Site doesn’t represent the brand

Can’t tag or share content

Navigation issues

Not responsive or accessible

Need better front end design

If you build it, they will come.

Pilot: News site

Great news content

Hard to surface beyond homepage

Does anyone even use the homepage?

Difficult editorial workflow





What is the problem...


Our News Reality

And then there is this.

Site doesn’t publish on demand

Lack of institutional knowledge

Legacy product

Java Issues

Wait…there is more.

Where do we go from here?

Online Strategy

School Survey Results Discussion

We think we know.

But…how did they do it?


Editorial workflow

Initial content types

Wordpress test drive

Let’s do this!

Increase Engagement with news

Integrate Magazine with News

Categorize & Surface Content Easily

Responsive & Accessible

Reduce Content Entry Effort

Now what?

Content is living longer

Bulletin features - big bump

Easier integration with Gazette

Drag and drop interface

Faster and improved workflow
