Slough by james


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Written by John Betjeman

Analysed by James m

What is Slough about?

• The poem Slough was written in 1937 by John Betjeman.

• He writes about his view on Slough and how it is falling apart.

• He uses a lot of poetic devices to make the poem more interesting and to keep the poem going.

The poem is very well worded and has a lot of interesting words to describe his feelings.

He also compares both good and bad points about Slough.

When he talks about the inhabitants of Slough he sees them to be vile and repulsive people.

He has not considered the peoples feelings and emotions and has insulted them in some parts of the poem.

He has only dwelled on the bad points of the town and not the good points.

When he talks of bombing Slough people will feel outraged and depressed at how someone would bomb their houses and businesses.

. The poem Jerusalem is about Britain and how people will fight to protect it. Slough also talks about Britain but in a bad way.

The poem Jerusalem does rhyme but not in the same way as Slough does. The poem Jerusalem was written in 1804 which is a good 133 years before Slough was written in which a good amount of changes could've occurred.

In the poem Slough rhyming is used to keep the reader interested as well as making it sound good: “mess up the mess they call a town a house for ninety seven down,”

It also uses alliteration: “the cabbages are coming now”

Thanks for watching!


Research James

Being awesome James
