small HIV/AID-Eelisa,Dawson,Matteo, Kevin



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By: Matteo, Dawson, Kevin, and Eelisa

A Global Issue

Diseases come in all shapes and forms

HIV/AIDs slowly disables immune system making body weak against disease

An uncured disease that threatens to destroy lives

The sharing of bodily fluids is the main point of infecting

Effect on the World

3rd World Countries are suffering, they cannot afford the proper health care to treat it

HIV hits everywhere across the world, possibly to anyone

In 270,000 , children have died globally from the disease

Background Info

HIV - Human immunodeficiency virusAIDS - Acquired immune deficiency syndrome HIV/AIDS is a current pandemic in the world. 3rd world countries –like South Africa are heavily affected

29.1% of pregnant women in South Africa have HIV

The deaths registered in South Africa alone rose 91% from 1998 to 2006.

60,000 deaths in 2006 in South Africa

Chosen Topic

HIV is a pandemic in the world, affecting everyone, but more so in South Africa.

South Africa is a country where health care is not available to everybody, so more people succumb to

the disease. Children are affected by

this disease, orphaning children and creating sadness to endure

It's a disease with no known cure, so only medicine to lessen the burden is available

SOS Children

operates in South Africa caring for children who have been orphaned or infected with HIV/AIDS

Action of Organization

They take care of the children who have been orphaned or infected with HIV, teaching them to practice safe habits, and helping them live a better life

They send children to villages that have air drops of clean water, food, clothing to help them become less vulnerable to HIV

Pros of SOS Children

They still help the children with AIDS live the remainder of their lives happier and better.

They help vulnerable children live in relatively safety from getting infected by HIV.


There is conflict of interest in social relations in the discrimination of HIV/AIDs patients out of uneducated views of the disease

Interactive Activity

Four volunteers for the activity

saying symptoms of given card

Guess which stage of HIV/AIDs each volunteer is in

Symptoms of HIV

Enlarged lymph nodes Flu like symptoms May last from weeks to years Rash muscles aches Years later, body tires from the fight and AIDS is developed, the symptoms are a greater vulnerability of diseases and viruses.

AIDs Symptons

Certain diseases infect person appear that define the transition from HIV to AIDS

Fever and/or night sweats Easy bruising Bouts of extreme

exhaustion Unexplained body rashes Appearance of purplish lesions on the skin or inside mouth Sudden unexplained weight loss Chronic diarrhea lasting for a month or more


Abstention of sexual activity

Testing for the disease to prevent the spreading of the disease

Do not share used needles as many unhygienic drug injections are used

Caution with blood transfusions


HIV-various meds are used to slow down the process of HIV developing into AIDs, lengthening the process by a span of many years

AIDs-the patient is dependent of medicines needed everyday for the rest of their lives that are used to decrease the count of the virus in the body

Importance of Being Informed Pandemic disease, not just South Africa.

Will help you in preventing this from happening to you

To help further engage people in the importance of finding a cure

To support the cause!

Short Term Action

bake cookies, muffins, cake, brownies, etc.

with the money raised, donate it to a foundation which advocates issue

awareness demonstrations

on the disease

Long Term Action

to give awareness to the people at SAS

specifically targeting middle-schoolers with informative demonstration

Continue program of donation of goods and funds towards the children and the charity


tells the background information about HIV/AIDs

Related what the virus is and how it works the situation in South Africa with the children


OrganizationsUNICEF [United Nations Children Fund]

SOS ChildrenAIDS foundation South Africa

Reflect on Action

have already began selling goodsmade a good chunk of money already

Donating goods as wellProbably by end of a few weeks, we should have achieved our goal


This virus is uncured disease needs research for the well-being of infected persons

This virus has decreased the population of humans globally

The spreading of the disease can be spread unknowingly in the stage of no symptoms

May effect you and your family

Why One Should Act

People should try to empathize and understand what the people with HIV are living with in poor conditions when they can’t get any form of relief or treatment.

Imagine having your parents taken away from you because of the disease and having to support yourself all alone


This disease has uprooted so many lives, changing the course of lives for the worse

To unlock the greatest potential for the betterment of the world, every child needs a future they act in freedom unchained by disease

Works Cited

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General Resources: - Lots of Statistics about AIDS in South Africa - Statistics - Facts - Relevant Articles - Articles Videojj