Social Media Video And Public Relations: Your Required Skill Set



This is a presentation on the new skills every PR person should have around Shooting Social Video for the Web. I also cover using Video for Crisis Communications.

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Social Media Video and Public Relations : Your New Skill Set presented byDavid J. Neff

“Social Media is one of the most perverse forms of navel gazing…with a “gee look at my hand mentality””

- Elle Waters, Digital Mojo

“You can rent the space inside my mind….until the price becomes to high”

- She Wants Revenge Album “She Wants Revenge”

Social Media needs to be defined as a group think mentality around your message.

People are going to talk about your message.

Deal with it. Encourage it.

By the year 2005, Americans will spend more time on the Internet than watching network television and videocassette rentals will have been replaced by easily available video-on-demand services.”

- Nicholas Negroponte (1995, The Future of News)

• By Wednesday afternoon, the video had been viewed more than a million times on YouTube. References to it were in five of the 12 results on the first page of Google search for “Dominos,” and discussions about Domino’s had spread throughout Twitter.

• “We got blindsided by two idiots with a video camera and an awful idea,” said a Domino’s spokesman, Tim McIntyre, who added that the company was preparing a civil lawsuit. “Even people who’ve been with us as loyal customers for 10, 15, 20 years, people are second-guessing their relationship with Domino’s, and that’s not fair.”

“Nothing you have ever experienced will prepare you for the unlimited carnage you are about to witness”

- Dan Akroyd to Eddie Murphy in “Trading Places”

SharingHope.TV - Features -Upload video, photos, audio and artwork

-Twice the space of YouTube for your videos

-Users can leave comments to each other and rate videos

-Simple Help videos explain how to create and upload video

-National launch partner with

-Ability to post videos on Facebook, MySpace, Typepad, Blogger, The LINK and

SharingHope.TV - Benefits-Helps our constituents share their story (no bus needed)

- Helps move the mission by sharing stories from real people

-Helps showcase our events and how they work

-Every video has the option to donate (Fundraising)

-Shows that non-profits can do bleeding edge technical work

-Showcases the power of Futuring and Innovation grants

• Thanks to Flickr users tonton and circleK for the use of their photos under CC license

• Thanks to Waggener Edstrom for graphic of old media

• Thanks to Social Media for Government for having me
