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Soft is a short film about gangs in a working class area. The genre of Soft is clearly social realism as it shows things that happen in society today and happens to people and families all the time. I decided to analysis this as it has won many awards and it is a clear and accurate example to help us to make sure film looks and stands out as much as Soft does.

During the short film, the director used many different camera shots. Simon Ellis uses a Point of View shot. This allows the actor to have the camera in his hands and the audience can see exactly what the character is seeing. This is effective as it gives you an extract view of what the character is feeling and can help the audience to connect with the character to see how they are viewing the situation.

The two shot shows the dad and the son having a conversation about the gang that is outside their house. It shows the emotions that the characters have and are showing towards each other.

The aerial shot used at the beginning of the film shows the whole road which shows where the scene is being set. This is a crucial part of the film as it shows us that the setting is in working class area and that some trouble is going to be caused.

The film also uses close up shots. This draws the audience the characters face and makes you emphasis what the character is feeling; in the short film it shows the main characters facial expression after he gets beaten up.

The costumes are based on what those types of people would wear in our society. The gang are wearing what would be known as ‘chavvy’ clothes and this makes the stand out from the rest of society as they way they dress is unusual and they mainly wear matching tracksuits. Thus they are very easy to distinguish what ‘group’ they belong too.

The father is wearing a suit, which is typical in for an everyday business man. However, this makes him stand out in the town as he is seen to be a class up from the rest of the people that live in the town. This makes him an easy target for the ‘chavs’ as there is more people like them who will back them up, rather for the father who is probably one of only a couple of people in the town who have a proper job.
