Study skills, Writing DE Materials


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Sultan Qaboos University

College of Education

Department of Instructional & Learning Technologies

Studying at the University

Don By:

Noor Al-Maashani 98735

Azah AL Ghassani 98657

Chapter 2

Studying at the University


The Aim of Chapter 2

Many students find that studying at university involves new ways of learning and relating to

others. Some students come to the school having experienced traditional and perhaps very

formal education systems where the tutor's role is to transmit information to the student who

is then expected to learn and then repeat this information in assignments, dissertations or

examinations. This is not the way in which learning takes place at the University of Hull. At

this university you are expected and encouraged to critically think about ideas and then

discuss and debate them with your peers and tutors. Students who achieve high marks are

those who study relevant information sources, think critically about their findings, discuss and

debate them, and then construct their own valid perspective. The first section in this chapter

explains the different types of learning and teaching activities within the school, and what you

can expect in them.

The purpose of this chapter is to introduce you to studying at university

and to help prepare you for the different approaches to learning and

teaching used in the Business School.


During your program of study you are expected to:

Develop your skills as an independent learner

You are Independent


Approaches to learning and teaching

based approach to learning. -advocate an enquiry they, Universities most of At the

This means giving you all the support you need to become an independent and

motivated learner, developing the qualities that are so highly sought after by -self

Here are .alities that will give you the edge in your future careeremployers…qu

Majority of that are used in to teaching and learning esapproach some


1. Lectures

In lectures you are likely to be in a large group of students listening to a member

of staff (tutor or lecturer) giving a talk on a specific topic. Lectures are often used

to provide an overview of a subject and to identify key themes and issues. The

lecturer will normally use audio visual aids or provide a handout to identify the

key points. There may be opportunities to ask questions. During a lecture you will

normally make notes.

The right strategy for learning from lectures is taking


Taking notes is more than just writing down what the

lecturer says, word-for-word.

You will need to position yourself to facilitate your

note taking. Sit where you know you can hear and

see. Sitting away from your friends might help, if you

are prone to distraction, or you can sit with your

friends if you benefit from collaborating on notes

be sure to have enough table space to write things



2. Seminars

Seminars involve smaller groups of

students coming together with a tutor.

Seminars normally focus on a particular

topic and issue, and these are often

outlined in your Module Handbook. You

may be asked to prepare for the

seminar by reading a particular article

or book, working on a case study, or by

making a short presentation to the

group. Seminars are very important as

they give you the opportunity to discuss

and debate ideas with your tutor and peers. The UK university system

encourages debate and discussion; you will find it invaluable in helping you to

sort out ideas and the evidence that supports them. If you prepare for seminars

by reading the relevant information sources then you will find it easier to become

an active participant. Seminars involve smaller groups of students coming

together with a tutor. Seminars normally focus on a particular topic and issue,

and these are often.

3. Group and team activities

Many modules include group and team activities in which you will work with a

number of other students on a specific task. This is an important part of the

learning process as it enables students to get to know each other, learn more

about a particular topic learn from each other and also develop their team

Activity 1

After watching Funny Motivational Video - TEAM = Together

Everyone Achieves More from

Write a paragraph about teamwork,

importance and requirements



working skills. The ability to work in teams is an important skill that everyone

needs for working on projects and in organizations.

When you are working in small groups or teams, it is important to spend time

getting to know each other and organizing yourselves. Decide how you are going

to communicate with each other. Decide how you are going to carry out the task.

Make sure that everyone knows what is required to complete the task. If you

have problems within your group or team that you cannot resolve, then talk with

your tutor.

4. Tutorials

Tutorials are meetings between you, other students and your tutor. The focus of

these meetings may be specific academic issues, for example, feedback on an

assignment, or they may be about more general matters such as module choices,

or a study tour.

Activity 2

After reading How to Give a Seminar from

What are the steps to provide a Seminar?

Feedback: To be witty speaker is the most important step.

Becoming an independent learner

Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs)

SAQ 1.1 (tests Learning Outcome 1.1)

What do you understand by the following terms?



Group and team activities


SAQ 1.2 (tests Learning Outcome 1.2)

Give three examples of learning strategies that are appropriate for the following teaching


During your time in the university you will develop your skills as an independent learner.

What is an independent learner?

Independent learners are motivated to learn. They accept responsibility for their

own learning and have the confidence to approach others for help if they need it.

Independent learners manage their learning processes effectively. This includes

identifying what they want to learn, for example, reading the learning

outcomes in the module handbook

identifying how they are going to learn, for example, individual study,

working with a friend, asking for help

managing time, stress and other commitments

using a wide range of learning opportunities and resources, for example, using

appropriate printed and electronic sources

adapting the learning process to make use of new opportunities

On-line activities

You may be expected to take part in on-line activities for some modules. The

University provides access to a range of computer-based learning packages, for

example in statistics, and these are available on the University computer system.

You may also be involved in working and communicating with others in an on- line

environment using bulletin boards and discussion groups. This will involve accessing

an on-line learning environment such as eBridge (available at You will be given specific instructions about gaining

access to and using on-line learning environments from your tutor.

Independent research

University studies involve independent study which is when you research and

evaluate information from a wide range of sources.

Independent learners are able to monitor and reflect critically on how and what they

learn. Through this they develop an awareness that helps them to learn with increasing

effectiveness. They also demonstrate a more questioning attitude to what they are

learning. The last point is an important one. In the UK education system students are

expected to discuss and debate ideas with their tutors; you are not expected to accept

passively the ideas and concepts presented by your tutor. Learning is an active process

and you are expected to engage in it during seminars, tutorials and private study


Activity 3

After reading watching videos from

Are you independent learner?

Feedback: the Self-Assessment Questions will help you to answer

the question.

Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQs)

The following questionnaire will help you to identify and think about your approach

to study. Please complete this questionnaire and then reflect on your findings. How

can you help yourself to develop as an independent learner?

SAQ 1.1 (tests Learning Outcome 1.1)

The aim of this questionnaire is to help you to think about your approach to

learning. When answering these questions you might like to think about a particular

learning situation, e.g. learning a particular subject, or you may answer them in

relation to how you generally approach learning.

Everyone is unique and there is no `right approach to

learning. By learning how we learn and by exploring new and

different approaches to learning it is possible to become

even more effective learners. We hope that this

questionnaire will help stimulate your learning.

Independent learners are able to monitor and reflect critically

on how and what they learn. Through this they develop an

awareness that helps them to learn with increasing


Independent learners demonstrate a more questioning

attitude to what they are learning. The last point is an

important one.

In the UK education system students are expected to discuss

and debate ideas with their tutors; you are not expected to

accept passively the ideas and concepts presented by your


Learning is an active process and you are expected to

engage in it during seminars, tutorials and private study


The following questionnaire will help you to identify and think about your approach to study.

Please complete this questionnaire and then reflect on your findings.

How can you help yourself to develop as an independent learner?




not very (1)

Very (4)

a)How independent do you

think you are as a learner?

b)Ask a friend for an

estimate of how independent

you are as a learner.

c)How would you define

_independent learning?

Here is some space for you to

write your thoughts.

Section one: Motivation

Motivation not very (1)

Very (4)

d) How interested are you in

your studies?

e) How keen are you to

succeed in your studies?

f) How keen are you to

become a better learner?

g)Please write any comments

on section one here.

Section two: Managing your learning

Managing your learning Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes(3) Always (4)

h) Before a


session, are you clear about

what you hope to learn?

i) Do you plan how and when

you are going to learn


j)Do you ask for help if you

are having difficulty learning

something new?

k) If you come across new

study methods do you try


l)Please write any comments

on section two here


Section three: Reflection

Reflection Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes


Always (4)

n)Do you question what you are told

e.g. by tutors, in books?

o) When you have finished

learning about something do

you think back about how

effective your learning

process was?

p) Do you change the way

you go about learning new

things as a result of thinking

about past learning


q)Please write any comments

on section two here

Interpreting the results

1, Now add up the numbers you circled in sections one, two and three.

2. Write the number you score in the TOTAL SCORES column.

3. Circle the numbers you scored in the adjacent row.

4. Add up your total scores and circle your FINAL SCORE in the last row.









Section one:

Motivation Ql-





Section two:

Managing yom.



13 1 4 1 5 1 6

Section three:

Reflection QS-








This questionnaire gives an indication of how independent you are as a learner. If you rate

yourself as having low or moderate independence, you could probably benefit from working

at increasing your level of _learner independence. You might like to discuss this with your

peers or tutor. A good starting point for developing your independence in learning is to work

through this study skills manual.

Closing Comments

You will find that different learning and teaching activities such as lectures,

seminars and tutorials take place within your program of study. If you are not

experienced in these approaches to learning then you will find that you will need

to spend a little time with your peers and tutors adapting to new ways of

thinking and behaving.

During your time at HUBS you are expected to develop and become an

independent learner. This involves actively engaging with new information and

ideas, discussing and exploring them, and then developing a valid perspective or

viewpoint. This manual provides a good starting point.
