Sulmi echeverria


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1. ESCUELA DE AGRICULTURA NOR-ORIENTE ZACAPA Ing. Oscar Garcia Ingls II VOCABULARY of words related to agriculture Sulmi Echeverria Alvarado 4to. P.Agr A 19-01-2015 2. MACHETE-MACHETE machete is broken 3. MANGO-HANDLE handle is ruined 4. QUIMICOS-CHEMICALS chemicals spilled into the cellar 5. MAIZ-CORN the freshmen must shelling corn. 6. FLORES-FLOWERS Flowers need to be pruned 7. TRACTOR-TRACTOR the tractor will ruin the valve 8. LIMA-LIMA the lima he broke Cape 9. TIERRA-LAND the land is sandy too 10. AGUA-WATER no water on the farm 11. CARRETA-WAGON the rim of the wagon skewer 12. HACHA-AX the ax out annoying 13. POLLOS-CHICKENS chickens will not eat concentrate 14. GALLINAS-HENS The hens only lay one egg per day 15. LECHONES-PIGLETS piglets will bite the sow tits 16. CERDO-PIGS Pigs do not stop eating 17. CONEJOS-RABBITS Rabbits have a disease 18. RIEGO-IRRIGATION sanja of the disappeared irrigation 19. VACAS-COWS cows eat a lot of grass 20. FRIJOL-BEAN bean weevil has much 21. SOL-SUN the sun is shining little this day 22. LLUVIA-RAIN Rain likes her plants 23. NAVAJA-KNIFE the knife should load all agronomo 24. ARADO-PLOW the plow is good for sowing 25. TOMATES-TOMATOES Tomatoes have many proteins 26. BERENJENA-EGGPLANT Eggplant is too big 27. LIMON-LEMON the lemon has a virus 28. PESCADOS-FISH Fish are hungry 29. PALA-SHOVEL He Mr. takes a shovel to dig 30. GIRASOL-SUNFLOWER and sprouted sunflower 31. CAF-COFEE the coffee still has not matured 32. ESCOBETA-ESCOBETA ESCOBETA TO BE BROKE A TOOTH 33. CASAS MAYAS-MAYAN HOUSE Mayan houses are broken 34. SARAN-SARAN the saran was broken when the child pulled 35. OVEJAS-SHEEP the sheep did not give good wool 36. ABEJAS-HONEY gave much honey bees