Summary of questionnaire results


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Summary of Questionnaire


1. What is your gender?

The questionnaire shows that 12 out of the 14 people that answered the questionnaire were female. This was a surprising statistic because traditionally horror films were seen to be masculine and aggressive which does not appeal to women.

2.What is your age?

Horror films are stereotypically aimed at young adults, with the age certification regularly being 15 and above. The answers to the questionnaire support this hypothesis, with 71.43% of the answers being submitted by 15-18 year olds.

3. What are your interests?

I asked the audience what their interests were besides watching horror films, to improve the audiences psychographic. The table shows that the main activity for the audience is going shopping, with 42.86% saying this. The least popular activity for the audience was reading books and watching television, or playing a musical instrument which 1 person at most said that they did in their spare time.

4.Do you watch horror films?

I asked in my questionnaire if the audience actually watched horror films, to improve the audience profile. 92.86% of people said that they did watch horror films, but as of yet it is not known how often they watch horror films. This is helpful for my questionnaire because I am hoping that the audience have watched at least 1 horror film, so they know about what is expected in a horror film and trailer.

5. How often do you watch horror films?

I asked the audience how often they watched horror films, to understand how popular they are to the audience and if the people taking part in my survey have a strong understanding of what is conventional for horror films and trailers. Also if they watch horror films regularly, they will have developed a range of likes and dislikes on different horror storylines.

What do you like about horror films?

I asked in my survey what appealed to the audience about horror films. The most popular answer is the tension that the horror films build up and the plot twists which mean that the audience does not know what will happen next. I will use this information to create tension in my own trailer, which is conventional for the horror genre.

What is your favourite type of horror films?

Next I asked in the survey, what was the audiences favourite sub-genre of horror films. I asked this because there is a large range of horror film types, so finding the most popular was important to develop and understanding of the target audiences tastes. 42.86% said that they favoured supernatural horror films, and 0% said that they favoured horror/mystery, monster or found footage.

What do you expect to see in a trailer?

I wanted to know what the audience expected from a film trailer and what they thought was conventionally for the form of a trailer in offering enough of the storyline. The responses show that many people wanted a montage to be used, gripping scenes that don’t give away too much of the storyline, but offer enough that it encourages people to go and see the real film in the cinema.

What do you find appealing in a trailer?

Finally, I asked what the audience found appealing in a trailer, the responses included; a montage, a brief outline of the main story, fast paced editing, a voice over to offer more information in some cases and an introduction to who the main characters are being played by. Also, sound effects or a backing track was seen to be important, and would help to add to the tense and scary type of genre.
