Survey analysis


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Survey Analysis

Question 1

The majority of responses came from people with a higher managerial background; this suggests that people from a higher class are more interested in magazines meaning that the price could be a little higher and the content could be a little more detailed as they would generally be more intelligent.

Question 2

60% of responses came from a female audience, however this is only a majority by 10%. This suggests that interest between the different genders is fairly equal; I will not aim my magazine at a specific gender as it limits the content.

Question 3

The majority of people who answered the survey were aged between 15 and 20, showing that targeting a younger audience would be more useful. I will have to take this into consideration when designing the magazine to ensure I

use conventions that will appeal to them such as informal language and bright colours.

Question 4

The most popular choice for price that people are willing to pay for a magazine is 0-£3. Younger people will want to pay a lower price due to their lack of income.

Question 5

This question reveals that most people do not actually read a music magazine. I think this is due to the development of technology which allows people to access most things online for free, so paying to read something seems pointless. This means I must come up with new

and interesting ideas that would attract people to purchase and read a music magazine.

Question 6

Among the responses for which music magazines people do read, NME appeared the most; this may be because it is now a free magazine, however, this shows that the type of music

featured in NME is popular and people are interested in reading about it and the artists included in it.

Question 7

I wanted to know what would intrigue someone to purchase a music magazine; the answer that appeared most was interesting content about up to date artists and exclusive interviews. Although there were other things such as free items included. However, there is an issue with the use of an opportunity sample; asking random people to complete the survey meant that I ended up with

some inappropriate answers which could make the results unreliable.

Question 8

There was a range of options for people to state what genre of music they listen to; Indie/Alternative was the most popular which supports the results about NME also being popular as this is the genre that this magazine focuses on. This has an influence on the type of music that I’ll use to base my magazine on as I want it to use music that is appealing to most


Question 9

Getting people’s opinions on the layout of the magazine helps for the ideas for the design of my own. Most people seem to like the appearance of a neat and organised magazine. This is probably so that it looks professional and is clear and easy to read.

Question 10

The content of the magazine is the most important thing. The responses show that Interviews are the most interesting thing to readers; this will be so that they can engage with artists that they like. Also photos seem to be popular because they make the magazine visually appealing.