Sweet Ways to Survive Halloween Candy!


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Sweet ways to

Halloween candysurvive

Talk to your children earlyTip #1

Let your children know before heading out what the plan is for when they return with their full bucket of candy.

Discuss the importance of limiting sugary foods before they head out to enjoy the holiday.

Choose the Right type of candyTip #2

Avoid candy that is hard and stays inthe mouth for long amounts of time

The longer teeth are exposed, the more prone the mouth is to cavities.

Chocolate is more preferable because it dissolves quickly in the mouth.

Choose the right time to eat candy or sugars

Tip #3

Following a meal is the best time

If you are not as hungry, you wont eat as much.

Saliva production is increased during meal times which will help your teeth recover from the candy.

You can also consume candy or sugars with a meal instead of following the meal,eating a meal full of protein will help to keep your child s̒ sugar level stable

Do the Right things AFTER Tip #4

Rinsing your mouth with waterWater in Lincoln has fluoride , which will help repair and protect your teeth.

Chewing sugar-free gum after candy / sugars- Helps stimulate saliva flow

- Helps remove candy residue

- Choose an ADA approved gum

- Gum with xylitol can help fight cavities

Maintaining optimal homecareTip #5 ( most important )

This, more then anything else, will help you survive the Halloween spookiness that comes with all the candy!

Brushing 2x daily for a minimum of 2 min each time and flossing daily.

Using a mouthwash with fluoride (Listerine Total Care or Act).

Seeing your dentist at least every 6 months for a cleaning and check up.

If you just avoid the candy, We will buy it from your child!

Maintaining optimal homecareTip #5 ( most important )

Offer your children a sugar-free reward for their candy!

Here at Lincoln Family Dentistry we buy back candy and donate it to the troops. This is a great way to let your child enjoy the fun of Halloween without overloading on the sweets.

We will pay $1 to your child for every pound of candy donated!

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