Talking About Design Using Elements & Principles



by Anna Whalen

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September 2009

Talking About DesignUsing the Elements & Principles

When analyzing a design start with the following:✤ List the elements you see in the image. Organize them from

most dominant to least dominant. (space, shape, line, colour, value, texture)

✤ List the principles you see in the image. (proportion, balance, rhythm/pattern, emphasis/dominance (new), variety, contrast, unity, movement or and I’m now adding repetition)

✤ In a paragraph, write a visual description of the image using the elements and principles are your guides. Try to use at least five sentences.

✤ Imagine that you have to visually describe this image to someone who cannot see it. The test will be if they can pick it out from a group of similar images.

For example:Main elements: colour, shape & value. Main principles: variety, repetition, movement & contrast.

For example:This image is made up of a variety of colourful circles that are appear to move around the page. About five large circles dominate the image and are surrounded by numerous lighter coloured smaller circles. The background appears to fade into darkness. The main colours used in the image are pastel turquiose, purple, pink & greens.

Does my description tell you which image I was telling you about?



Your test...Choose one and describe as we just practiced. First list, then write five sentences.


After you have marked the person’s list and five sentences, give them 5pts if you can tell (from their description) which car they

were looking at.