Taylor Barbato Resume Presentation


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My name is Taylor


My career objective is to succeed in an environment of

growth and excellence. Post

graduation I hope to earn a job which

provides me satisfaction, self

development, and allow me to achieve

my professional goals.

Who am I?

I was raised in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

I currently reside in Boulder, Colorado where I attend the University of

Colorado Boulder.

I am studying Finance and Real Estate at the Leeds School of

Business. 3.2 GPA Dean

’s List


My educational opportunities have

allowed me to gain a GLOBAL perspective. During the summer of

2015, I took Operations & Information Management

in Valencia, Spain.

Our team traveled throughout the city studying different operations of large Valencia-based


Even small Valencian paella farms require specific operational


In addition to my educational experiences, I have gained a lot from

my opportunities to apply myself in a work


My Work Experience

For me, work is a place that I get to spend time with

people that I consider FAMILY. That is a culture that I strive to be

a part of.

But when I am not at school or work…

.. but there is much more to me than just school & work!

Over the past 6 semesters, I have been a dedicated member of Delta Sigma Pi, a professional business

fraternity that builds relationships amongst students and business commerce.

I have held multiple leadership positions within the organization:

● Vice President of Pledge Education

● Chancellor ● Junior Vice

President of Finance

I enjoy expressing myself by

being outdoors

...traveling the world

… and by giving back to my community

Let’s get to know each other!

Please contact me:

Email: taylor.barbato@colorado.ed


Phone: (719) 650-1528

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/taylorba

