Tdp secundaria- trech-6th-llesson-plan-class - 7.5


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Alumno residente: Trech, María Inés

Periodo de práctica: Secundario

Institución educativa: Escuela Secundaria Media Nº 2 -

Dirección: Martin Fierro 972 – Coronel Dorrego – Pcia Buenos Aires.

Sala/ grado/ año/ sección: 5to Año Ciencias Naturales División Única

Cantidad de alumnos: 26

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elemental

Tipo de planificación: clase

Unidad temática: Problemas ambientales

Clase nº: 6

Fecha: Martes 20 de octubre 2015

Hora: 11:00 – 12: 00 hs

Duración de la clase: 60 minutos

Fecha de la primera entrega: 16 de octubre 2015

Teaching points: environmental problems. Air pollution.

Aims or goals: during this lessons students will : Be able to develop their speaking skills by means of analyzing three pictures as regards air

pollution. Be able to develop their cognitive thinking skills by means of making connections between their

previous schemata and some pictures as regards air pollution. Be able to develop their speaking skills by means of analyzing several pictures. Learn about facts of air pollution. Develop their writing skills by means of devising facts about air pollution.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures PronunciationRevision Following

commands: Animals Environment Do you


Reviewer, 19/10/15,
Reviewer, 19/10/15,
not clear. Please, specify.
Reviewer, 19/10/15,
This is the same as aim 1.

Look at this!Listen!Let’s see/ read / match (etc.)

Environmental Global warming pollutionGreenhouse effect

remember …? Have you been …? Can you…?Could you …It is …They are ….

New Chinstrap CloudsSmokeSmogFactories Dirty FuelChemicals

ʧɪnstræp klaʊdz sməʊk smɒg ˈfæktəriz  ˈdɜːti  fjʊəl ˈkɛmɪkəlz 

Teaching approach: Natural Approach, CLIL

Integration of skills: The four skills will be developed applied in this lesson. Listening to the teacher in order to answer questions, speaking about their knowledge as regards air pollution by means of looking at several pictures ,. Rreading to facts about air pollution. Writing about facts activating their previous knowledge and what they have learnt in the lesson


Worksheet for the Homework:

Choose one environmental organization logo, do research and complete:

Name of the organizationDate of creation

Name of the Logo´s designerElection of colours

Meaning of the logo

Reason for its creation



Reviewer, 19/10/15,
Please, try to be more specific. What type of writing? Facts about?

Source: Google images.


Emissions from industries and manufacturing activities

Burning fossil fuels.


Household and farming chemicals

Source: adapted from:

Source: Google images.

Worksheets for students. ( at the end)

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: no use.

Seating arrangement: Sts will be sat in groups. They generally sit like this during the whole school day. The size of the groups depends on the student’s present that day.( as it is Secondary there is not always the whole course). There is no space for a semi circle, if the whole course is present. If this is not the case and I consider it appropriate given the time and space I will ask them to sit in a semicircle.

Possible problems /difficulties and their possible solutions: Students may speak in /translate into Spanish. I will demonstrate and make them repeat the correct form / word in English.

However, I will respect students’ work pace. Eexperience from previous classes has shown that the allotted time for each activity up to this stage of the practicum has been coherent with the group’s pace

Classroom management strategies

In case there are students who are not paying attention I will kindly approach them and kindly suggest trying to go back to work. However most of them engage in the activities. Fast finishers generally do something else because they get bored. If this is the case I will tell those students to help me with other students. If there are students who are reluctant to participate in class I will approach him/her by inviting them to work.

Potential problems students may have with the language 4

If students do not remember new items, I will use different techniques to help them such as repeating, words or words in chunks or making references to what we have already seen.

Assessment : what will be assessed and how : pronunciation , identification of revision items and understanding of rubrics will be assessed by: Asking questions individually for example: After an explanation: Do you understand? Is that clear? Can you tell me what you have to do? (By this time and taking into account they are in 5th year, I will encourage them to speak in English as much as possible). Observing each students development during different instances of the class.Asking students questions as regards the task will be the method for checking listening comprehension. Comprehension of the revision items will be assessed through the checking of the written activities and homework. I am already keeping a record/ chart as regards homework. The teacher of the course has asked for that in order to assess students’ performance and responsibility after I finish my practicum period. Because as I am teaching during almost a month, and she still has a month ahead before classes finish. She wants to record everythingExample of the chart:

Student Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class5 Class 6 Class 7

Warm -up

Purpose: To start the lesson. To get the students to work. To establish rapport.

I will greet the students as soon as I enter the class.

Timing: 2 minutes

Transition: Good morning. How are you today? How about the weekend?

Before starting the lesson for today I will ask for the homework.

Homework: Choose one environmental organization logo, do research and complete:


Name of the organizationDate of creation

Name of the Logo´s designerElection of colours

Meaning of the logo

Reason for its creation



Timing 15 minutes.

Purpose: to present the topic. To develop student’s thinking skills by means of looking at some pictures as regards air pollution and make connections.

I will present the following two images in order to establish the to topic for today’s lesson which is air pollution.

After that I will guide the discussion as regards which are the causes of air pollution I will present a list with some possible answers.

Transition: Ok! Let’s start the lesson for today. Remember last class at the beginning we mentioned some environmental problems. Remember? Can you mention some of them? Who volunteers to

tell at least some?. Remember the first activity we had a list with some of the environmental problems. .

(I will listen to students’ responses)

Transition: Ok. Based on what you have said, and looking at the following pictures, our topic for today is …..

(I suppose they might answer air pollution)


Source: Google images.

Transition: What can you tell me about these pictures?

Let’s analyze the first one. What can you say about it?. Look at the children … what are they doing? What can you tell me about the shape of the clouds? What do they infer?

Now think about the second one. Why do you think the Earth is wearing a chinstrap?

What about the third picture? What about these factories?

(After we discuss about analyze the pictures I will round up the topic by saying the following, as I speak I will be showing the images)

Transition: So, let see what causes air pollution. It can result from both human and natural actions. As regards human activities that result in air pollution, they include, for example, emissions from

industries and manufacturing activities, and burning fossil fuels, such as cars trucks (these emissions contain pollutants), and household and farming chemicals.

Emissions from industries and manufacturing activities


Reviewer, 19/10/15,
The meaning of infer is not clear here. What does it refer to?
Reviewer, 19/10/15,
Transitions relate to the change of one activity into the next one. Here the same stage is taking place.

Burning fossil fuels.

Household and farming chemicals

Source: adapted from:

Source: Google images.


TIMING: 30 minutes

PURPOSE: to develop student’s reading skills by means of reading to some basic facts about air pollution. To develop student’s writing and thinking skills by means of writing in groups three more facts as regards air pollution.

Transition: By now, we have been learning about which the causes items that cause air pollution are. Now we are going to read about some facts as regards air pollution. A fact is something

that it is true. That it actually exists.Before reading let’s do activity 1.


ACTIVITY 1: Before reading: Based on what you already have leant, look at the following word cloud and circle all the words you think are connected with facts air pollution.

Source: created by myself with :

Transition: Now tell me. 8Which words have you chosen? .

(I will listen to students’ responses)

Transition: Now, let’s pass on to activity 2: Read the facts about air pollution:


Basic Air Pollution FactsBelow are some random facts and info on environmental pollution.

1 Air pollutants (dangerous things that make the air unclean)come in the form of gases or particles.

2  It is estimated that you breathe 20,000 liters of air each day. This means the more polluted the air is, the more we breathe into our lungs dangerous chemicals.

3 Air can be polluted both indoors and outdoors. Tobacco and other kinds of smoking are examples of indoor air pollution.

4 Sick Building Syndrome is a health condition related to pesticides, insecticides and chemicals we use at home and offices.

5 Air pollution affects kids more than adults because, for their body size, kids breathe more air and spend more time playing outside.


Reviewer, 19/10/15,

6 Motor vehicles produce more air pollution than any other single human activity.

SOURCE: adapted from:

Activity 2 )


Look at the following images and match them with some of the facts mentioned above.

a) b)

c) d)

After we check, I will carry on the lesson explaining activity 3:



Timing : 6 minutes.

Activity 3: The text describes several facts as regards air pollution. Now in groups and based on what you know, your experience, and what you have learnt today, write three more facts that you consider are true for air pollution. You can use the words in the pre reading section, and the facts in the reading as models to guide you.


Reviewer, 19/10/15,
What information will they consult to write this? Shouldn’t SS do some research before writing about this specific topic?
Reviewer, 19/10/15,
Please, include answer key.




After this activity I will explain the homework for next class.


Based on what they have learnt today, write a short paragraph summarizing the causes of air pollution.


As soon as the bell rings I will say goodbye to the students.

Lesson plan component

Very Good






Below Standard



Coherence and sequencing

Learning aims



Teaching strategies

Class. management strategies


Reviewer, 10/19/15,
This is not a closure stage.
Reviewer, 19/10/15,
How will this be assessed? Will they share their productions with the class?

Language accuracy

Observations Minimum score: 20 / 32

Score: 24/32= 7.5

Dear Ma. Inés

The lesson plan includes very good materials that could be further exploited. I really liked the word cloud.

Please, read the suggestions and take them into when delivering the lesson. Try to develop the last activity further, and reflect on improvements for your next lesson plans.



Student’s worksheet: class 6 . Air pollution. Name: ……………………………………………….


ACTIVITY 1: Before reading: Based on what you already have leant, look at the following word cloud and circle all the words you think are connected with facts air pollution.


Basic Air Pollution FactsBelow are some random facts and info on environmental pollution.

1 Air pollutants (dangerous things that make the air unclean)come in the form of gases or particles.

2  It is estimated that you breathe 20,000 liters of air each day. This means the more polluted the air is, the more we breathe into our lungs dangerous chemicals.

3 Air can be polluted both indoors and outdoors. Tobacco and other kinds of smoking are examples of indoor air pollution.

4 Sick Building Syndrome is a health condition related to pesticides, insecticides and chemicals we use at home and offices.

5 Air pollution affects kids more than adults because, for their body size, kids breathe more air and spend more time playing outside.

6 Motor vehicles produce more air pollution than any other single human activity.


Activity 2: Look at the following images and match them with some of the facts mentioned above.


a) b)

b) d)


Activity 3: The text describes several facts as regards air pollution. Now in groups and based on what you know, your experience, and what you have learnt today, write three more facts that you consider are true for air pollution. You can use the words in the pre reading section, and the facts in the reading as models to guide you.





Based on what they have learnt today, write a short paragraph summarizing the causes of air pollution.