Teacher appreciation week


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Teacher Appreciation Week!

From the Office of Multilingual Learning

+Here are the top ten reasons why EL teachers are so great…

+10. EL teachers can magically communicate with people with whom they don’t share a common language.

+9. Are the teachers who all the students want to join when they take their small groups... “Awwww, I want to go with Ms./Mr. ______! When do I get to go with Ms./Mr. ________! It’s not fair, I never get to go with Ms./Mr. ________!”

+8. They have decorated their classrooms (or carts) with beautiful art from all around the world.

+7. Have tried at least three of the following foods and now eat or drink them regularly: pho soup, sambusa, spring rolls, sticky rice, tricolor desert, pupusa, empanada, kimchi, mochi, atole, horchata, jamaica, ceviche, mole, pozole, halwa, Somali rice, papaya salad…

+6. Can CALP their BICS, or BICS their CALP on demand and when appropriate.

+5. Have a 2nd marriage (and sometimes a 3rd, 4th, 5th …..) and have 25 or more kids with each of their spouses.

+4. Never have to go to yoga class, because they are already so flexible.

+3. Can swear in and/or understand inappropriate words and body parts in at least three languages other than English.

#%@&! å&*$!

+2. Have become experts in valence electrons, human migration, writing argumentative text, and pythagorean theorem just this year.

+1. Would have a hard time deciding between hearing Stephen Krashen speak and going to see their favorite band perform.


Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!!!

Thank you for everything that you

do.From: Erika the Giraffe, Kareem,

Sana & Omar, The Tall Hat People and The Short Hat People, the

Emperor penguin chick, and your TOSAs.
