Teaching with technology


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Technology and


By: Alexis Gibson


In the educational field technology is used everyday.

Technology can be used to assist educators in teaching

It also can be used by students to help them learn

Although there are great benefits to teaching with technology you must be aware of the ethical, legal, and social issues involved in teaching with technology.


Social issues ( Slide 4)

Ethical issues ( Slide 5)

Legal issues ( Slide 6)

Social issues

Cyber bulling

Is bullying that takes place through technology. One example of this would be sending messages through the Internet or a cell phone that are considered to be bullying. Pictures are also considered a type of cyber bulling.

Social Issues

Online social interaction

There are various ways to interact with people using technology. Specifically the Internet. One example of this would be world wide chat rooms. It is very important to monitor what students are doing on the Internet.

Ethical Issues

Freedom of Speech

There is a vast amount of information available on the internet. The ethical issue of freedom of speech comes up when we try to monitor speech on the Internet. Opinions and feeling are often expressed on the Internet. It is up to educators to monitor what site students are going on because they may come across inappropriate material.

Ethical Issues


Control vs. Monitoring.

Should the government be able to watch a person is doing on the Internet? In an educational setting it is usually stated what sites students are able to access.

Ethical Issues

Academic Honesty

Since there is so many resources available on the internet some students have trouble with academic honesty.

One example of this is plagiarism.

Legal Issues

Copyright laws

There are a lot of materials on the internet and when using technology that you must get the owners permission to use.

Legal Issues

Fair Use

Are guidelines that are given to a teacher in face-to- face instruction where it states when you can use copyrighted materials

Legal Issues


Students do have privacy laws when using technology. You must get a parents permission when using certain typed of technology, For example, certain movies or Internet cites.

Legal Issues

ADA Compliance, Acceptable Use, and Software Piracy

ADA: Information presented with technology must be accessible to students who may have a disability

Piracy: You must not reproduce a copy of something this is called piracy. It is a violation of copy right laws.


Although technology can be an excellent tool in the classroom there are ethical, legal, and social issues.

To be aware of these issues is critical when using technology in order to protect students and educators.

Works Cited

Lever-Duffy, Judy, and Jean B. McDonald. Teaching and Learning with Technology.

Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2011. Print.