Technology: How it Impacts Student Achievement


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How it Impacts Student Achievement

By, Jens Jacobsen

Our vision is to “utilize all of our combined talents and abilities, along with the best practices from colleagues and sources

everywhere, to provide an effective, safe and supportive learning organization where all

students will graduate, meeting all standards necessary to achieve academic, personal and

social success.”

Kulik’s Study on Academic Achievement

Passing Percentile

(Kulik, 2003)

(Palozzi, 2006)

(Hsiegh, 2008)

“Technology is and will be increasingly used to collect critical student data and program information needed for both instructional

planning and analysis of learning outcomes” (Cradler, 2002).

(Cradler, 2002)

We now live in a world where work is not a 9 to 5 job, but more so a 24 to 7 job because of


Instruction in the classroom demands higher-level thinking, problem solving, practice, cooperative

learning and many other things. Technology could and should be incorporated in every area possible.

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Brabec, Kathy. (2004). Building Better Instruction: How Technology Supports Nine Research-Proven Instructional Strategies. Learning & Leading with Technology, 31, 6-11

Cradler, John & Cradler, Ruthmary. (2002). NCLB Posses Challenges: New Federal Programs Suggest an Expanded Role for Technology. Learning and Leading with Technology, 30, 46-49.

Hsieh, Peggy & YoonJung Cho. (2008). Middle School Focus: Examining the Interplay Between Middle School Students’ Achievement Goals and Self-Efficacy in a Technology-Enhanced Learning Environment. American Secondary Education, 36, 33-50.

Kulik, James. (2003). Effects of Using Instructional Technology in Elementary and Secondary School: What Controlled Evaluation Studies Say. SRI International.

Palozzi, Vincent & Spradlin, Terry. (2006). Educational Technology in Indiana: Is it Worth the Investment? Educational Policy Brief, 4, 1-12.
