Telephone etiquettes e



Asoka Siriwardana, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture

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Asoka Siriwardana, Additional Secretary, SLAS Special Grade


Telephone etiquette


you can't judge a book by it's cover but we can judge people by the way they talk, or even by the way they answer the telephone

We form opinions about people the first time we see or hear them and never meet

YOUR office is judged by the way your receptionist answers the telephone or greets people at the door.

How to answer the telephone?

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade


People form an initial impression about us over the telephone

They supports or conflicts with that first impression.

Create a good first impression relationship grows from there.

Bad first impression, create uphill battle.Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

Think about it!



Communication is an

art and mastering

that art

can be the key for

building stronger




How to make a great first impression in two telephone situations:1. Receiving a telephone call

2. Initiating a telephone call Asoka Siriwardana

SLAS Special Grade


Receiving a Telephone Call


Practice usually answer the phone by the second or third ring or the very first ring.

Some Office Answering machine will automatically answer phone after the third ring.

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

1. Answer the telephone by the 3rd ring 


It is important that your greeting is friendly and professional. (Good morning Madam or Sir)

Greet the caller and identify yourself and your office/department/unit.

Ask, "To whom am I speaking?" Ask, "How may I help you?"

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

2. Make sure your greeting is professional. -


Have a pencil or pen along with a pad of paper near your telephone so you can write down important information such as their NAME.

When speaking to them, use their NAME during the conversation but don't overdo it.

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

3. Be prepared before answer the telephone


Use reflective/active listening to clarify and check for understanding.

Ask them to spell their name if you are not sure.

Ask them when it is the best time to call them back.(Are you busy in this moment )

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

4. Be an "active" listener


But you ARE NOT prepared because their file is in the other room or at the bottom of the pile just say,

"I am in the middle of something at the moment, can I call you right back?".

This will give you a chance to collect the materials

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

5. someone wants to ask you some specific questions


If they like "holding on" just say, "Please give me a moment to get your file".

If you put someone on hold DO NOT make them wait more than 30 seconds.

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade


Check your messages after switch on the mobile phone or call at a break.

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

6. If you are out of mobile phone, check your messages



One of most unprofessional things a business can do is NOT RETURNING PHONE CALLS.

We have attempted to contact someone over a period of days

They will say "Thank you for returning my call so promptly!" or "Thanks for getting back to me".

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

7. Return telephone calls promptly.


Pretend you are a potential client.

How were you treated over the telephone?

If it was less than favorable, it's time to make some changes.

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

8. Check your staff how they greet people



a. "I don't know“b. "I can't do that.“c. "You'll have to“d. "Just a second“e. "No.“


USE "LEAPS" WITH THE EMOTIONAL CALLER TO VENT L Listen E Empathize; acknowledge the person's

feelings A Apologize when appropriate, even if

the problem is not your fault, P (Be) Positive S Solve; suggest solutions that you can

both agree


What You Mean: Tell the Caller:

"He/She is out.""He/She is not in the office at the moment. Would you like to leave a message

"I don't know where he/she is."

"He/She has stepped out of the office. Would you like to leave a message

"He/She is in the men's/ladies room."

"He/She has stepped out of the office. Would you like to leave a message

Conversation TechniquesAcceptable Responses


What You Mean: Tell the Caller:

"He/She hasn't come in yet."

"I expect him/her shortly. Would you like to leave a message

"She/He took the day off."

"She/He is out of the office for the day. Can someone else help you

"He/She doesn't want to be disturbed."

"He/She is unavailable at the moment. Would you like to leave a message

"She is busy""She is unavailable at the moment. Would you like to leave a message


Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

Initiating a telephone



Make a short list of important items, want to discuss during the telephone call.

Have a pad of paper and a pen or pencil handy to take notes.

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

1. Organize your thoughts before you place your call. 


When we smile and change our facial expressions, it affects the sound of our voice.

Our vocal tone can be greatly affected by the manner we use our facial muscles.

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

2. When speaking on the telephone try to SMILE.



Several studies have indicated that as much as 87% of the opinions people form about us when speaking to us on the telephone are based on the tone of our voice.

Only 13% is based on the actual words we use. We all do this.

People can "hear" our personality and mannerisms through the tone of our voice. Asoka Siriwardana

SLAS Special Grade


After shortly introducing who you are, begin by asking them, "Is this a good time to talk?“

If they ask the best time would be to call them back

Remember to be sure and call them back at the correct time.

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

3. do the person answer the telephone 


Do not Call after usual working hours.

After normal business hours their clerical staff has gone home.

Do not ring continuously (not more than 4, 5 rings

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

4. How to reach a senior level officer (CEO, Chairman, or Other V.I.



Slow down when you are leaving a message

we receive many messages where we cannot even understand what the person is saying.

Even worse, we cannot write fast enough and replaying the message several times to record the entire message.

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

5. Do not speak too fast


Announce your name slowly and clearly

Especially if your name is not a common name. Spell your name slowly if necessary.

Allow people to get the correct spelling of your name.

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

6. Pronounce your name clearly 


This is the biggest complaint when people leave their telephone number.

People state their telephone numbers TOO FAST!

Repeat the telephone number at the end of your message

People will appreciate this,

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

7. how to say your tp number 


Describe to the person, in a few short sentences who you are, which office you are with and why you are calling.

If you are requesting information, leave a detailed but brief message.

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

8. Give your office name, your title & why you are calling 


Leave a date, time, and preferred telephone number for people.

They can't return your telephone call if you don't leave your telephone number.

Providing them with the preferred time to call back makes it much easier for them. Asoka Siriwardana

SLAS Special Grade

9. Let them know when to call you back 


People DO judge you by the tone of your voice and what you say.

If you come across sounding unprofessional in your message, they may not return your telephone call.

Also, do not leave very long winded messages or they will stop listening.

Asoka Siriwardana SLAS Special Grade

10. Always sound professional 




Presented by

Asoka Siriwardana
