Telephone etiquettte



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Telephone Etiquette

Telephone Procedures

1. The caller should not hang up if the phone is not answered after two or three rings. Give a chance to the other party to reach the phone. The phone being called must ring for at least six times.2. Answer promptly.3. Avoid calling wrong numbers by referring to a directory or a list instead of relying on memory.

4. Apologize when a mistake is made.

5. The person answering the phone identifies himself and his department or company.

6. The caller does not have to identify himself. He may mere say, “Mr.Cruz please.” and the one who answers may ask: “May I tell him who is calling?” It is neither correct nor polite to say,”Who's this?”

7. If the person sought is busy or cannot accept any call at the moment, the response is, “Sorry Mr.Cruz is not available right now. May I help you?”

8. If the person is busy on another phone, the answer may be, “Mr. Cruz is busy on the other phone. May I take the message?”

4. Apologize when a mistake is made.

5. The person answering the phone identifies himself and his department or company.

6. The caller does not have to identify himself. He may mere say, “Mr.Cruz please.” and the one who answers may ask: “May I tell him who is calling?” It is neither correct nor polite to say,”Who's this?”

7. If the person sought is busy or cannot accept any call at the moment, the response is, “Sorry Mr.Cruz is not available right now. May I help you?”

8. If the person is busy on another phone, the answer may be, “Mr. Cruz is busy on the other phone. May I take the message?”

9. If the caller must wait for some information, he is asked: “Would you mind waiting?” He is also thanked for waiting.

10. When a caller is asked to wait, the receiver must be covered as much as possible.

11. When transferring a call, wait for the operator to reply before hanging up the phone.

12. If a call is placed by someone else, the receiver of the call identifies the source of the call. Hence “Mr. Cruz or Channel 10 is calling Mr. Santos.” The secretary of Mr. Santos may say:” Mr. Cruz, here is Mr. Santos.” Mr. Cruz should not be made to wait for a long time. This is not only discourteous but will also create goodwill for the company of Mr. Santos.

13. End a telephone conversation on a friendly tone. This makes the other person feel that the caller is alert and is interested in the other person's problems.

The Telephone Courtesy Test

1. Do you make sure of the correct number so as not risk disturbing strangers by “calling from memory”?

2. Do you make sure that your conversations with busy people are as brief as possible?

3. When calling intimate friends who do not recognize your voice, do you resist playing a game or “guess who?” and announce yourself promptly?

4. Do you try to time your calls so as not to interfere with the occupations of those you call most often?

5. Do you make business calls well before the close of the office hours, especially if you are calling a person whom you know is a commuter?

6. In a business office, do you explain to personal friends inclined to talk at length that you will call them after hours?

7. Do you treat wrong-number calls as mutual inconvenience and answer “Sorry, wrong number.” in a tone of polite sympathy instead of showing ill-tempered annoyance?

8. On a dial telephone, do you always wait for a dial tone?

9. When the number you are calling is not answered quickly, do you wait long enough for someone to lay aside what he or she may be doing to reach the telephone? It is very annoying to have been disturbed.

Thank You! :)

Reported by:Gesite, Lormel Katrin J.

