Test strategies by ilko




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Strategies for Taking Standardized Tests

Day 1Reading the Directions• Did you know reading the

directions is the number one way to improve your score on tests?

• Today we will practice looking at key words in directions and strategize ways to improve our test taking skills

Objective• By the end of today’s lesson I will:• Identify key words in directions

that give me critical clues on how to solve the problem and write a list of 5 must remember test taking tips for success on the test

REWARD!!• You can earn a candy treat if your

team has the most correct answers at the end of the period!

• Why is a farmer’s favorite candy?

Jolly Ranchers!!

Reading Directions Exercise

• Put your name at the top of the paper.

• Read the initial directions chorally with the class and discuss key terms take notes in your AVID journal

On Your Own• On your own, read the sample list of

directions and circle the key words. Be prepared to defend your answer.

• At the end of 5 minutes, you will review your answer sheet with your team, and confirm your answers.

Team Work• Review your answers in your

tutorial team. Be prepared to defend your answer and share with the whole group in 10 minutes.

• Points will be awarded to teams who work well together.

More Team Work• Review the test taking strategies

on the back of your worksheet.• Discuss as a group, and underline

or highlight those strategies that apply to the CST testing format.

• In your journal, write 5 testing tips to share on a poster tomorrow.

Did you earn candy?

‘Twas the Days Before Testing

• Go to bed on time. •Put a few number 2 pencils with erasers in your backpack.

•Solve family/friend problems before the testing date.•Talk to your parents about any concerns that you might have about the test.

Day 2• By the end of today’s lesson I will:• Create a poster to inspire students

on campus to do well on the CST test by including successful test taking tips and motivational language and images!

Are there rewards today?

• Yup! The knowledge of a job well done, and perhaps a little treat as well… looking for leadership, teamwork, and motivation today!

More Test Taking Strategies

• Please take out our journal and create a space for two column notes. We will taking notes on the following slides

The Morning of Testing• Start your day as you always do.• Eat a good breakfast.• Think of what you will do to relax

after you get home from school.• Think Positive!Think Positive!

Multiple Choice Questions

• If you do not understand the directions, ask for help.• Read the question and allall

answer choices before marking anything.

Pace Yourself• Don’t spend too much time on

any one question. Do your best and then move on.• Answers the easiest questions

first, but be sure to go back to those questions you skipped.

Multiple Choice Questions

• Do not change your answers unless you are very uncertain about your first answer choice. • Try to answer every question.

Make the most intelligent guess you can.

The Process of Elimination

• After you have been through all of the questions once, go back and find questions you have some knowledge about and eliminate choices that you know are incorrect.

I know C isn’t the answer!

The Process of Elimination

• If you can eliminate two wrong answers, your chance of choosing the right answer is greater.

Answering Questions• Don't guess blindly, but if you

have time to think about the best answer choice, make it!

Skip, Return, Check

• If you finish early, check to make sure you have answered all questions.

Key Words

• Find key wordskey words or phrasesphrases in the question that will help you choose the correct answer.

Are we communicating?• Make sure you understand

what the question is asking. • Be sure you are responding to

the question that is being asked.

Reading Passages• If the test requires you to read

passages and then answer questions about what you read, read the questions read the questions firstfirst. •By doing this, you will know what you are looking for as you read. This also helps you go faster on the test.

Reading Passages• When there are several

questions about a reading passage or chart, look for cluesclues in other questions that will help you with those items about which you are unsure.

Math Computation• When using scratch paper on a math

test, double check to make sure that you have copied the problem correctly from the test booklet!

Math Computation• Line up place value correctly on your

scratch paper (thousands, hundreds, tens, ones) or the answer will be incorrect.

Math Computation• If your answer does not match one

of the choices, reread the problem, recopy the numbers, and try solving it again.

A Matter of Time• If any time remains, spend it on

those questions about which you know nothing or almost nothing.

• As you go back through, do not change all answers. • Remember: Your first

guess is usually right.

Final Tips• Fill in bubbles fully, write neatly,

and erase stray marks. • Double-check the test number in

your test booklet against the answer sheet every few questions to be sure you haven’t gotten on the wrong number.

The Death Grip• If your arm tires during testing it is

probably due to the grip that you have on your pencil. • Relax the grip and give those

muscles a break.• Do not do arm exercises during

testing as this disturbs others.

Thank you, Mr. Know-it-all!

• Remember it's okay not to it's okay not to know everythingknow everything — unlike class tests, these tests will have some questions designed to challenge the limits of your knowledge at a grade level above your current grade.

Creating a Poster• Review your notes and highlight the

best test taking strategies presented this week.

• With a team of no more than 3, you will create a poster that inspires students on campus to do well on the CST that will be hung in both main buildings.

An inspirational video?• Those interested in creating a

short video to inspire CVMS can meet with Mrs. Ilko after school on Thursday to learn how to use Animoto. We will share that video with the school on Monday.