Texas chainsaw massacre 3


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Shahnaaz Begum 13ME MEDIA Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Period of Equilibrium

Moment of Disequilibrium

Period of Disequilibrium

Road trip, everyone in car. Soft non diagetic music | 0.09

Friends pull up to a house, soft music continues| 0.20

Friends discover a house, dusty weary | 0.27

Non diagetic music stops, black out shot | 0.47

Flashing shots, split seconds – quick music to make audience jump| 0.55

The killer uses chainsaw a weapon, screaming sounds | 1.26 Blood trails| 1.33

Each individual get followed by the killer, car crashing into house |1.36 - 1.39

Broken windows, monsterly gasps/breaths | 1.44

Quick shots of each friend getting followed by killer. | 1.54

Shots show parts of a human, hands, mouth but not the actual person | 1.09

They play pool, every ones happy| 0.31

Shows someone putting on a mask – audience will assume this is the killer| 1.16
