The Accidental Curriculum



CESImeet2012 Thurles, County Tipperary, Ireland

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The Accidental Curriculum

Pam Moran and Ira Socol

CESImeet�Thurles 2012

Pam Moran and Ira Socol

Allowing the world of discovery…

…to take control of your classroom

Start with comfort…

…with questions…

…with the ways their world works…

…trust childhood…

…and their ability to discover…

…Cabinets of Curiousity…

…WonderStruck with possibility…

…and ready to create the new…

…rather than be “workers”…

Technology as Embedded�as flowing�

to the individual�to the global�

to the accelerated electronic�connectedness of the plant�

…mass localisation…

…not mass standardization…

…Scaling Across, Not Up…

…Using technology to liberate…

…not to limit or enforce…

…with the concept of Terroir…

“Embedding creativity in the soil and soul of your community culture”

Terroir�even “two Americans” can see�

that Tipperary students�differ from Dublin students.�

Why would schools duplicate?�

“Student” vs “Learner”�Write: Print: Read: Recall�

to�Search: Connect:

Communicate: Make�

Technology as Embedded�as flowing�

to the individual�to the global�

to the accelerated electronic�connectedness of the plant�