The Ballad




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A ballad is an impersonal poem

It is a short poem, usually 50 or 60 lines long

It is written in rhymed verse which could be sung.


Some ballads are like epics deal with wars some deal with love

some with everyday experience

A ballad is a narrative poem that tells a


The common measure used in ballads is the fourteener.

The fourteener is lines of fourteen syllables broken up into two

divisions of eight and six syllables

for example: the ballad in Page (39)

Two Kinds of Ballads: 1- Traditional Ballads:

(usually by unknown poets)an example is The Wife of

Usher’s Well.2- Literary Ballads:

Imitations of traditional onesan example is Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient


How to recognize a Ballad:

• A ballad must be a narrative• Impersonal in tone• Written in stanza of four lines in

which the first and third consist of 8 syllables each and the second and fourth consist of 6 syllable each