The British History



The British History

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The British History

Made by:Máté Alexandra;

Szabó Krisztián;

Szántó Imre

The Region of England, before the Anglo-Saxons

The Britons were the first barbarian tribe, who entered the British Isles. They came here immediately after the Ice Age. The Romans conquered them. There were constant Saxon attacks.

The Anglo-Saxon conquest of Britain

Anglo-Saxon invaders swept away the Celtic britons. When the Romans occupied the island the population was three and a half million people in 43 A.D.

England in the Middle Ages

The Middle Ages in England begun when William the conqueror occupied Britain in 1066. Other famous kings of England: 1. (lion-hearted) Richard, his brother 1. (landless) John. He initiated the guaranteeing of the rights of the nobility, limiting the power of the king with Magna Carta. The Black Death reached the country in 1349, it is estimated that one third of the population disapeared. VI. Henry became king in 1422 . Eventually his reign led to the War of the Roses.

England in the Tudor Ages

After VII. Henry, his son, VIII. Henry came to the throne. He was the famous wifekiller king. His first daughter was Blody Mary, and his second daughter was I. Elizabeth, the famous britain queen. Here are his wives:

Religious conflict and civil war

Elizabeth I. died without a direct heir to the throne in 1603. Nearest Protestant male relative was James, King of Scotland, so he became the king of England as James I. With this he became the first ruler who - if only a personal union, but - united the countries of the British Isles.

In 1689 in the "Glorious Revolution" II. James was replaced by William of Orange on the throne. As a result,in Ireland and Scotland, the Catholics, loyal to James, made bloody uprisings. These Jacobite rebellions continued until the mid-18th century.

The Modern History of Britain

On 1 January, 1801. Ireland became under the authority of the British crown, creating "Britain and the United Kingdom of Ireland." Although England did not exist more as an independent state, maintained its political and economic dominance. London remains the center of the empire. The 1848 revolutionary wave eluded England. Queen Victoria's reign was characterized by a broad consensus in spite of the huge social differences. In 1921 she established the Anglo-Irish Treaty in the Irish Free State (the present-day Republic of Ireland). In World War II England was bombed heavily. England maintained its leading role among the countries of the British Isles.

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