The earth and other heavenly bodies (1)


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The Earth and Other Heavenly Bodies

The Sun

During the day time, you see a big, blue sky and the sun. the sun is a big ball of fire. The sun is much bigger than the moon. It looks small because it is very far away.The sun is much bigger than the earth. It looks small because it is very far away.

The sun rises in the east And

The sun sets in the west

The sun gives us light and heat. Without it, the earth would be dark and cold. We cannot live on the earth without the sun.

The Moon

The moon is much smaller than the sun and the earth. It goes around the earth.

The moon appears to change its shape every day. Sometimes, it looks round like a ball. It is then called a full moon. Sometimes, it looks thin and C-shaped and is called a crescent moon. On some nights, the moon disappears completely. This is called the new moon.

The Earth

The earth too, is round like an orange. It is much bigger than the moon. It goes around the sun. we live on earth. The earth is made up of land, water and air. The earth gives us many things.


Do you know the poem “Twinkle Twinkle ,little star”?At night, we can see many stars twinkling in the sky.

Stars are very big.They look small because they are very far away.

The sun is also a very big star.
