The events of 911- Joshua


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The events of 9/11/01By josh McRae

7:59 am

The airplane leaves the airport

The plane was hijacked and crash’s into the south tower

8:46 am

The first crash happens

About 200 people died

9:03 a.m.

The second attack happens

600 people died

9:05 am

President bush was evacuated by secret services

President bush heard about it while doing a reading lesson with kids

9:31 am

Bush calls the attacks a national tragic event and an act of terrorism on our country

9:36 am

Flight 77 crash’s in to the pentagon

9:45 am

Just minutes after flight 77 crashed into the south tower the falling of the tower kills about 200 people and first responders

9:59 am

After burning for 56 minutes the south tower tumbles down killing about 600 people



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