The five time travellers - Presentation




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Star-ry Teller

By Oliver BealeMarcus Tuck

Charlie LamportToby Bundy

Nathaniel Payne

5 W’s• Who-Kids who want to learn and find out about the

solar system-parents who also want to tell their children stories that are educational about the solar system

• What-To use the camera feature to help find stories and facts about the solar system that link to Greek myths and legends.

• Where-Mostly at home around the house, out in the garden or out on the streets/park and car journeys, etc…

• When-At/in the afternoon when the sky is getting dark at around 9:00pm

• Why-To get straight forward information about astronomy - to educate.


• Parents and children want a story or questions answering about the solar system.

Problem question

How can we persuade young people to learn about the solar system, the stars and the mythology behind them?

People who want to learn about the solar system currently have to research in libraries and on the internet and bring it together, but this solution doesn’t work, because they start to loose interest and get bored as it is taking so much time.

Key insight

Our key insight is that parents get to frustrated over the fact that information is spread too widely and its time consuming to gather. Once they have found it , their child has lost interest in the subject as they are mostly bored.

Elevator Pitch

Our app, Star-ry Teller, has been designed to help young people get involved when learning about the solar system by making it fun and interesting for them through stories and fact files. They will take pictures of the star constellations in the sky to get all the facts using mini games, quizzes, fact files, video's, diagrams and much much more!!!

User Profiles

Meet David,

He’s an 11 year old and loves finding out facts about the solar system in his history lessons. He is very interested in stargazing and science and is eager to hear a story about the universe.

Facts about him: He owns an I pad mini, which he uses constantly to play games. Hangs out at friends’ houses to play video games and has campouts. He is easily frustrated by unanswered questions.

Competitors and Other Solutions

Competitors Solutions

StargazerSolar system 3DSolar system explore liteSolar system

LibraryInternet Ask your teacher

User Stories

As a user I want Star-ry Teller to give me all the information about the solar system in one place (my device) so I will be able to recognize stars in the sky, because it will help me a lot with my education at school for my GCSE’s.

As a user I want Star-ry Teller to help me and my child to come up with stories about all the planets and stars in the universe, because then I can read my son a proper interesting story that he will enjoy.

As a user I want Star-ry Teller to create fun-filled minigames, so that my child can enjoy having to do science and history, because this way he will know that effort will reward him with a treat.


Business Case

Main target user: Children at ages between 5-13 who need help to answer questions about the solar system or like stories on the stars.Others who benefit: Science Teachers who teach students about gravitational forces –Teens that are doing their GCSE’s and are struggling. Parents who have happy, educated children.My team’s app, Star-ry Teller, will operate a business model in which some users pay.My team has identified that we will hook users in with a range of free stories and information. They will discover that they like what we have supplied in the free version and then want to purchase add-ons of new stories, facts, quizzes and diagrams.

Marketing strategy

AudienceKids parents and teens. Through whatPosters in libraries and bookshopsThe Net mums website will put advertisements of our apps and add-ons on their web.Persuasive eventThe audience will read the posters and download the free appThe audience (mums)will reply to our app with a review and their ideas on how to improve.ResultAs a result, they will share the app to their friends and they spread the word.They will download the app and post it on Facebook and re-tweet the message.We’ll give them some of the add-on’s and the free version to try if they approve.
