The grandfather Gary Soto


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The Grandfather

Gary Soto

Form & style• Nonfiction is a true life story comes in many


• Forms of non-fiction

PERSONAL ESSAYExpository Essay



A personal essay is usually short and informal and often reveals a great deal about the writer’s personality and taste while an expository essay is usually formal in tone and generally objective.

*Autobiography is someone's life written by him\herself while Biography is someone's life written by another person

*A memoir focuses on a particular period in the writer's life.







*figures of speech


"is created through



Soto’s father immigrated to the USA from Mexico. Like

many immigrants, his grandfather worked hard and earned little money. The fruit he grew in his

backyard helped feed him, allowing him to save more of his hard earned money.

In this personal essay, we will read about Soto’s grandfather, a hardworking man who never lost hope and who inspired his family

with his dedication

How would you describe Soto’s

word choice? Clear and direct? Poetic and imaginative?


Soto’s word choice is poetic and imaginative. He uses

descriptive words and phrases that create vivid images, such

as “tight-lipped pockets”

Platform sticking out from the ground over the sea where people can walk

To what senses do these details appeal?

The images appeal to the senses of touch,

taste, and sound

C) Soto’s style is characterized by descriptive words and vivid imagery. His sentences structure is clear but


1- Why did Soto’s grandfather believe that ‘a tree is money’?

Trees that bore fruits saved grandfather from spending

money to buy fruit.

2- How does the grandfather’s garden help establish his family roots?

It provides a place for the family to spend time together, and it’s something they

can enjoy for many years.

4- How would you describe Soto’s grandfather? Consider his move to

California and his attitude toward the avocado tree.

He is hardworking, persistent, patient and positive.

5- What differences did Soto’s grandfather see between Mexico and California

• He sees California as more urban and industrial than Mexico. He misses aspects of Mexico which is more natural environment


• Soto grows as a tree grows. The images of him leaping over the tree and latter sitting in its shade. Make this clear.

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