The history of nomads and indigenous peoples dwelling (yurt)



Aims and objectives: - Research, design and technological activities for the reconstruction of tourist-geoarchaeological complex "Museum of the ancient dwellings of nomads and indigenous ethnic (people) groups of the world"; - On the basis of scientific materials and empirical folk (non-traditional) knowledge of the environment to develop a model yurts of nomads and indigenous ethnic groups of the world, as the phenomenon of ethnic and cultural, tourist and recreational building geoarchaeological and efficient tool for energy-saving technology in the world tourism industry; - To design a modern system of the tourism product, based on the classic architectural design yurts of nomads and indigenous ethnic groups of the world (kazakh, mongol, kyrgyz, yakyt, iran, turkmen, escimos, indigenous, kalmyk, palloza, Russian izba); - Accommodation (classic design, construction, reconstruction) of Tippi (district) in the World Exhibition "EXPO 2017 Astana Kazakhstan», in the major cities and tourist centers; - The creation of a museum of history yurts of nomads of the world «The Museum yurt of nomad's in the world» (draft attached), an international symposium "Kazakh steppe - the birthplace of yurts of nomads and indigenous people of the world"; - Electronic, scientific and educational benefits for pupils and students; - The creation of the Public Council (associations, business entrepreneurs, research and design associations), for the implementation of the tasks; - Yurt construction and housing designs of indigenous peoples of the world, the development and production of crafts and pottery, carpet and felt materials, household items, food, jewelery and applied arts ethnic peace within the World Trade «EXPO 2017 Astana Kazakhstan».

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Геоархеологическо-туристические ценности конструкции жилищ (юрты) номадов и коренных этносов мира. Курсабаев М.К, Джаппарова Г.А, Шайжанов М.К, Аяпбекова А.Е, Исабеков С.Б, Таймагамбетов Ж,Мазбаев

О.Б, Темиржанов Б, Байтышев Г.А, и др

Project leaders: Kursabaev Muhamedrahim Kydyrbayuly - Associate Professor of "Tourism and Services» University "Turan-Astana" Ass.professor, Ph.D., a member of Kazakh National Geographical Organizatiom (KNGO). Dzhaparova Gulzhamal Alkenkyzy - Professor, PhD.

Project coordinators: Isabekov Serik Bidakhmetuly - Ph.D., Associate Professor of "Tourism and Services» University "Turan-Astana" Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Shayzhanov Mukhambet Kaliuly - Vice-Rector of the University "Turan-Astana", candidate of economic sciences, professor. Ayapbekova Alia Eskermeskyzy - candidate of geographical sciences, member KNGO.Mazbaev Ordenbek Blisbekuly - Professor Eurasian National University by Lev Gumilev, doctor of geographical sciences, professor, member KNGO, Member Glade expedition to Antarctica. Taimagambetov Zhaken Kozhahmetuly, doctor of historical sciences, professor. Dean of the Faculty of History of the Kazakh National University by Al-Farabi, a member KNGO. Sabyraimov Jenis - General Director of the corporation «Kyntukent» Almaty. Magdy Youssef (Magdi Yosef) - cultural scientists, New York, USA. Baytyshev Gumar Ahmetbekuly - a member of the Eurasian Union of Designers. Zhakupov Kabanbai Beketuly - Master of the department "Tourism and Services» University "Turan-Astana". Temirzhanov Beysembek - school art teacher №71 Astana, a member of the Union of Designers of RK. Aytzhanova Anel Erikkyzy - PhD students of the University "Turan", Almaty. Tasmagambetova Aitkul Rahimbaikyzy - a member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan. Hamza Kadyr Myrzagaliuly - director of advertising agency "Adal", member of the Union of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Tolenov Murat Serikuly - Master of Science in Chemistry.

Геоархеологическо-туристические ценности конструкции жилищ (юрты) номадов и коренных этносов мира. Курсабаев М.К, Джаппарова Г.А, Шайжанов М.К, Аяпбекова А.Е, Исабеков С.Б, Таймагамбетов Ж,Мазбаев

О.Б, Темиржанов Б, Байтышев Г.А, и др

Aims and objectives:

- Research, design and technological activities for the reconstruction of tourist-geoarchaeological complex "Museum of the ancient dwellings of nomads and indigenous ethnic (people) groups of the world"; - On the basis of scientific materials and empirical folk (non-traditional) knowledge of the environment to develop a model yurts of nomads and indigenous ethnic groups of the world, as the phenomenon of ethnic and cultural, tourist and recreational building geoarchaeological and efficient tool for energy-saving technology in the world tourism industry; - To design a modern system of the tourism product, based on the classic architectural design yurts of nomads and indigenous ethnic groups of the world (kazakh, mongol, kyrgyz, yakyt, iran, turkmen, escimos, indigenous, kalmyk, palloza, Russian izba); - Accommodation (classic design, construction, reconstruction) of Tippi (district) in the World Exhibition "EXPO 2017 Astana Kazakhstan», in the major cities and tourist centers; - The creation of a museum of history yurts of nomads of the world «The Museum yurt of nomad's in the world» (draft attached), an international symposium "Kazakh steppe - the birthplace of yurts of nomads and indigenous people of the world"; - Electronic, scientific and educational benefits for pupils and students; - The creation of the Public Council (associations, business entrepreneurs, research and design associations), for the implementation of the tasks; - Yurt construction and housing designs of indigenous peoples of the world, the development and production of crafts and pottery, carpet and felt materials, household items, food, jewelery and applied arts ethnic peace within the World Trade «EXPO 2017 Astana Kazakhstan».

Геоархеологическо-туристические ценности конструкции жилищ (юрты) номадов и коренных этносов мира. Курсабаев М.К, Джаппарова Г.А, Шайжанов М.К, Аяпбекова А.Е, Исабеков С.Б, Таймагамбетов Ж,Мазбаев

О.Б, Темиржанов Б, Байтышев Г.А, и др

Stages of the study:

1-phase (2015.) - Approval of the work plan of the project entitled "Research, design and technological activities for the reconstruction of tourist-geoarchaeological complex" Museum of the ancient dwellings of nomads and indigenous ethnic groups of the world "on the World Exhibition« EXPO 2017 Astana Kazakhstan »». - The collection of materials, design sketch (model) and the creation of the Museum of History yurts of nomads and indigenous ethnic groups of the world «The Museum yurt of nomad's in the world»; - An international symposium "Kazakh steppe - the birthplace of yurts of nomads and indigenous people of the world"; -The creation of the Public Council (associations, business entrepreneurs, research and design associations), for the implementation of the tasks.

2-stage (2016.) - Start of construction and housing designs yurt of nomads and indigenous peoples of the world; - The opening of centers of crafts and pottery, carpet and felt materials, household items, food, jewelery and applied arts ethnic peace in the territory of the World Trade «EXPO 2017 Astana Kazakhstan»; -Electronic, scientific and educational benefits for students.

3-phase (2017.) - Completion of the construction and housing designs yurt of nomads and indigenous peoples of the world; - Development and production of crafts and pottery, carpet and felt materials, household items, food, jewelery and applied arts ethnic peace in the territory of the World Trade «EXPO 2017 Astana Kazakhstan»; - Organization of international conferences and symposia; - A progress report.

The University "Turan-Astana" for several years conducted research, design and technological activities for the reconstruction of tourist-geoarchaeological complex "Museum of the ancient dwellings of nomads and indigenous ethnic groups (people) of the world" dedicated to the World's Fair «EXPO 2017 Astana Kazakhstan».       In the development of this project involved students, undergraduates and university professors, businessmen and craftsmen, scientists and designers of Kazakhstan and foreign countries.        It is planned to build yurt, housing designs nomads and indigenous ethnic groups of the world in the production of carpet and felt materials, household items and souvenirs, food and beverages, jewelery, arts and crafts of ethnic groups in the world.       Preparations are underway for an international symposium on the basis of tourist-geoarchaeological complex "Museum of the ancient dwellings of nomads and indigenous people of the world."Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world.

Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

In the context of growing globalization of (socio-economic crisis), and large-scale introduction of industrial and innovative technologies in the world increased sharply continental integration between countries and states. In the process of mass and global integration is the formation of (modernization) and merge the new Consortium and companies, social and economic interests are linked to biodiversity environmental, historical and cultural values of the society. Amid strong economic achievements and positive results, mankind is often faced with environmental problems and technological factors that determine the joint efforts in order to address these problems.        Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, to address these issues, put forward a number of specific progressive ideas that are implemented on a global scale. Some of them are questions of history and culture, "green technology" and the development of the tourism industry in the country.

Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

One of the most effective models of preservation of historical and cultural heritage and the natural landscape, as well as forming in the minds of the younger generation of environmental culture is the development and promotion (placement in the major cities and tourist centers) yurts of nomads and indigenous ethnic groups of the world as an effective tool for the preservation and revival of ethnic and spiritual values , material and non-material culture, and energy-saving technologies, such as the standard "green technology" in the world. Opening of the scientists of the world sites of ancient dwellings near the Irtysh River (Taimagambetov Zh) and Botayskay culture (Zaibert V) early domestication of horses and the development of technology "koumiss" is directly related to early housing designs Botai yurt «Yurt-oshaq». For many centuries, "yurt-nomad's yurt» has been continuously improved and became the subject of a unique value, both spiritual and material culture Ancient-kazah and steppe peoples (Aryans, the Huns, the Saka-Scythian and ancient Turkic tribes). Thus, the unique intangible values and age-old phenomenon of associativity of spiritual and material culture of nomads and indigenous people of the world, as well as geoarchaeological value and recreational tourist practicality of ancient dwellings have become the main object of scientific topics of our research.

Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

Publications related to the research topic. 1.Курсабаев М.К, Мазбаев О.Б, Аяпбекова А.Е, Баймолдаева А.Т, Айтжанова А.Е. Музей истории номадов мира – объект международного туризма и краеведения. Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции «Тенденции, проблемы, преспективы идустриально-инновационного и устойчивого развития туризма», Астана, 26 сентября 2013 года. С: 42-482. Курсабаев М.К, Аяпбекова А.Е, Габдуллина М.Х. Индустрия туризма: поиск, мотивации, проблемы. Сборник материалов Международной научно-практической конференции «Валихановские чтения-17». – Кокшетау, 24-26 апреля 2013. – 220 стр. Т.10, С: 165-169.3. Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Auapbekova, Ordenbek Mazbayev. Kazakh yurt us object green technologies. «European Researcher» is international multidisciplinary bilingual scientific journal. It was established to encourage dialogue among European researchers. ISSN 2219-8229. E-ISSN 2224-0136, 4. The ancient history of Kazakh (Nomads) yurt (M.Kursabaev). 5. KAZAKH YURT AS OBJECT OF GEOARCHOLOGICAL HERITAGE AND “GREEN TECHOLOGY” Professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, 6. Muhamedrahim Kursabaev.Kazakh yurt as object of green technology. 7. Horsemens dwelling (pronomads yurt) Muhamedrahim Kursabaev. 8. Kazakh yurt history (M.Kursabaev). 9. Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Auapbekova, Maira Gabdullina, Ordenbek Mazbayev, A.Aitzhanova. The Kazakh High Land (Steppe) – the native land of felt dwellings Nomad of the world. 10. Геоархеологическо-туристический потенциал жилище номадов и коренных народов мира. 11. Геоархеологическо-туристический потенциал конструкции жилищ номадов мира.

Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

Primitive man lived in caves in the equatorial regions of Africa, China, India and elsewhere. They laid the foundation designs temporary housing for protection against natural disasters and abnormal phenomena, climatic contrasts, wild animals, for shelter and rest. In many years due to lack of food, many tribes were forced to leave the cave in search of food. The most favorable place they chose savanna, prairie fields, swamps, forest-steppe zones, floodplains and lakes. Remoteness of their chosen area of the cave was the motivation for the construction of temporary housing. Elements of the construction of temporary housing or shelter became part of the broken trees, dead branches, shrubs, stems and dry hay.

Геоархеологическо-туристические ценности конструкции жилищ (юрты) номадов и коренных этносов мира. Курсабаев М.К, Джапарова Г.А, Шайжанов М.К, Аяпбекова А.Е, Исабеков С.Б, Таймагамбетов Ж,Мазбаев О.Б,

Темиржанов Б, Байтышев Г.А, и др

The favorable climate, the availability of natural products and wastes of animals and birds for a long time contributed quite a stable period of development of primitive people on the planet. About a million years ago, tectonic and other natural natural disasters (volcano, seismic tremors, cosmic and astrological phenomena) changed the landscape and topography of the land. A new era of global migration of many tribes in search remote territories.

According to the forecasts of researchers (Alkey Margulan, Michael Balter, Robin Bendrey, Lloyd Kahn, Gremillion, David, Elena Rubtchova, Viktor Zaibert), during the mass migration of people learned about the mysteries and natural phenomena. Thus, in the minds of primitive people to provide a picture of the environment. Many of them have learned to navigate the terrain, to distinguish reliefs, rivers, valleys, sounds and voices of wild animals and birds, the abnormal phenomena of nature.

Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

In the literature (Alkey Margulan, Robin Bendrey, Zhaken Taimagambetov) 27 thousand years ago on the territory of Kazakh High land gets into the settlement of many tribes. In the process of global migration in search of food and a favorable habitat for many tribes have come a long evolutionary path, which originates from the continents of the equatorial belt of the world. During migration, they lived in caves, the bones of wild animals and long branches built temporary dwellings. The surface was covered with dry grass cover and skins of wild animals. The very first shelter from heat, cold and rain were broken off long branches of trees and shrubs. First home had oval circles, where the lower part of the branches (uyq) attached to the grass. The upper part of the branches folded crusts cut off from the trunks of trees fresh. Sometimes, instead of twigs used long tusks of mammoths. On the floor, made the dry branches and hay vegetation. It goes home covered with skins of wild animals, lush fern branches.

Геоархеологическо-туристические ценности конструкции жилищ (юрты) номадов и коренных этносов мира. Курсабаев М.К, Джапарова Г.А, Шайжанов М.К, Аяпбекова А.Е, Исабеков С.Б, Таймагамбетов Ж,Мазбаев О.Б,

Темиржанов Б, Байтышев Г.А, и др

The territory of Kazakh High land became the most northerly point and the epicenter of Global domestication in the world. According to well-known scientists, (Alan K. Outram, Viktor Zaibert, Elena Rubthsova) huge plains, temperate climate, the presence of different species of animals and birds, rich flora and fauna and the unique natural landscape were the prerequisites for the development and formation of the first in the world, the global domestication of wild animals and birds. The process of domestication of wild animals originated from the domestication of wild horses. Kazakh High land became the northernmost point of the population of ancient people. Archaeological finds have been found near the river basin Ertis (East Kazakhstan) and in the settlement Botai (Noth Kazakhstan), confirmed the presence of the first construction of dwellings in Rann breeders. Home early breeders have been adapted to local environmental conditions. And to the most important discovery of the breeders are understood to be felt rather than skin and the presence of a stone hearth (oven).

Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

According to archaeologist Zhaken Taymagambetov ancient people lived in the mountain valleys of the Altai mountain range and in the oasis of the Irtysh River Basin. The excavations of ancient sites (Eastern Kazakhstan, Shulbinka) have been found traces of stone fireplace (stove) and housing (25 thousand years) that have similar shape with Tippy (Tippe) - North American Eskimos and plagues Siberian Yakut (Chumm). The presence of large rivers, steppe and mountain scenery, mild climate, unique flora and fauna were the prerequisite checking of the ancient tribes for centuries. By secret signs and qualifications of intentions of nature, the starry sky and the movement of the winds, they predicted that at the center of the optimal circulation of warm and cold weather fronts. The very first object of domestication were wild horses. Endurance and grace, devotion and cleanliness, ferocity, speed and charm wild horses attracted people to him. The first contact with a herd of wild horses has been made with the help of the national folklore genre «Qambar Ata». Children with the help of adults sang songs and poems about the colt, then used totemic spell "Hurry, Құрру». It is this historical period (period) in our opinion, is of scientific interest, due to the poorly studied this problem. We believe that this segment of the historical period should be considered in terms of geologic time evolution of ancient dwellings breeders.

Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

In Kazakhstan in the settlement Botay (Cental and North Kazakhstan) scientists have found archeological artifacts that testify to the early domestication of wild horses (domestication in the Eneolithic Botai Culture of Kazakhstan, dating to about 3500B.CE, uk / archaeol) about this show and some of the materials, which are fixed on the bases of the global scientific and technical information (The Earliest Horse Harnessing and Milking. Alan K. Outram, Natalie A . Stear, Robin Bendrey, Sandra Olsen, Alexei Kasparov, Victor Zaibert, Nick Thorpe, Richard P. Evershed).       Noting the importance of research resources and scientific works of the above authors, we put forward the theory of protoeneolitic culture (classical mythology and totemism) early breeders. This period or historical period (25,000 years ago) has been associated with religious and mythological beliefs of the ancient breeders, resulting in active contact with the environment.

Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

North or the most extreme point of the migration of the ancient tribes chosen by chance. Great Eurasian steppe zone has been the epicenter of the circulation of atmospheric fronts. The earliest empirical knowledge of nature and the animal world have become important elements of spiritual and mythological consciousness of people. The most important object of attention in persons has become a unique harmony of wild animals with the nature. Migrants struck large areas, specific flora and fauna, diversity of climate and terrain features of the natural environment, abundance of wild plants and numerous species of wildlife.         Path to the domestication of wild animals was very long. Speed and beauty of wild horses caused a powerful motivation for a close study of animal behavior. The desire of the ancient breeders to domestication of wild horses is not restricted to one type of wild animals, often the object of domestication were ibex, argali and other animals.Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world.

Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

Many species of wild animals have been the object of mass hunting them. Most hunters take home young wild animals. In the Kazakh folklore for centuries remained amazing genres of folklore for children on the theme of life and behavior of wild animals. Ancient people believed that the horse as a supernatural being who was sent down from above. Patron of horse appeared mythical messenger «Qambar Ata». Mythological image of the horse was described as “Пырақты арғымақ - Pyraqty argymaq», «Mythical winged horse», which translated means "the mythical winged horse." On the basis of the text of the folk genre, you can assume that it is in the form of totemism mythological winged horse, become the first object of attention of the ancient world breeders. It should be recognized that the first contact with the population of wild horses occurred by natural and harmonious relationship between humans and animals. Proof of this is the unique folklore and poetic improvisation associated with the empirical knowledge of the behavior and psychology of wild animals.Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world.

Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

This historical period is associated not only with the early stage of domestication of wild animals, this period may be a key moment in the evolution and solving the mystery of the origin of the ancient dwelling of the nomads in the world. According to researcher Paul King (2001) the origin of the dwellings of the nomads of Eurasia (for example, Mongolian) is the earliest period in the context of domestication. To confirm it offers its model design scheme: Buheg (1), Simple walls (2), Tall yurt (3), Low yurt with raised tono (4), Modern ger (5), although he did not have accurate data on the stages early domestication of wild horses in Mongolia. We agree with Paul King on the use of the yurt as a primary means of mobile military campaigns (Heredotus, Strabon) during the Scythian people. We are interested in the evolution of geochrological dwellings, or rather a theory about protoeneolitic culture (classical mythology and totemism) early breeders.

Yurt Distribution © Paul King 2001, Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

Depth study of the historical period (25,000 years ago) can change the hypothesis of religious and mythological representations of the ancient nomads and their relationship with the environment. For the interpretation of this fact should be carefully examined all archaeological materials associated with the genesis of dwellings of nomads. In search of information, we have developed a special portal for the collection of materials on the origin of ancient dwellings breeders. On the basis of the materials collected, we took the initiative to hold a conference on Internet «Kazakh Hihg Land the native land of nomads yurt in the world». In the process of the organization, we have been in contact with the global centers of scientific and technical information «Global science information and technical resourse» such as: ,,,, other sources, which were described in detail the genesis and origin of the dwellings of the nomads in the world.

Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

On the basis of data from the American media portal «Native American- Turanian Brotherhood: FIRST NATIONS First» were published interesting material, where each member of the project can write their opinions. A number of materials to repeat certain parts of dwellings yurts of nomads and design, which have been described in research «Evolution of the ger, Paul King in 2001», . Similar material was presented to the Russian website, which states the historical and evolutionary stages in the development of dwellings of ancient nomads.       On the basis of research resources can be stated that this model represents the elements of the Andronovo culture. Although the scientific data in this area is sufficient knowledge, but above historical period it is not provided. According to scientists, a total domestication of wild animals in the historical periods of the Andronovo culture is not found.

Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

Western architects Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, and Antonio Gaudi praised the art of nomadic culture. Based on these considerations, we should describe in detail the basic design elements of classical Kazakh yurt. Describing the details of the Kazakh yurt coincide with research materials, which resides academician Alkey Margulan. Based on the research work of scientists and lovers of the material we present some details of the Kazakh yurt.

Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

The main element of the yurt is «Yurt syiek» - bone yurt. There are «Kerege» - wood oblique lattice (1), then «Uyq» - long curved stick-like rays of the sun (2) and the main subject of the holy tent «Shanyrak» - reminiscent of the roof of the world (3) and the wooden door «Esik». «Kerege» - reminiscent of the cell of the human body, is indisputable element binding life and human activities with the environment. Place each ligament «Kerege» called «Zheli» (1). If it is long, it is called «Eris», if not the longest - «Balashyq», a short called «Saganaq».

Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

The word «Shanyrak» has for Kazakh philosophical significance. This is the boundary of man's connection with the cosmos. Depend on it all, the structure and reliability of the architectural complex of the yurt, which is able to withstand up to 2 tons of snow layer. It is made of strong wood «Aq-kaiyn» (white birch) and «Sambi tal», which grow near the river. Bent stick «Kuldreuish» consists of 3 - 8 branches (2).

Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

«Aq-kaiyn» (white birch) and «Sambi tal» small shrub wood and other materials that are needed for making yurts have useful chemical property, because they absorb the sun's energy, water and soil. Centuries of experience nomads proved that the manufacture of parts of the yurt of wood is useful and the best option. Rounded white birch «Togyn» (1) with recesses similar to the human eye «Kozi» (4) is of particular importance. Wooden bunch «Beriktik» (3) - a real support for the «Shanyrak». «Uyq» - long bent sticks resembling the sun's rays are a form bend «Dogalay» (1) with small cords treated skins of sheep and cows «Uyqbau» (5) and extreme bending shoulder sticks «Uyq iygy» (2). Distance between «Uyq» and «Shanyrak» called «Kary» (3), and the sharp end of the stick, which is fastened on the «Shanyrak» is called «Qalam».

Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

Tree yurt «Esik» or «Sykyrlauyq» has a front portion «Mandaisha» (1) wooden rack «Bosaga», the lower part of «Zhaktau» (4) and updoor «Tabaldyryk» (5) . Word «Tabaldyryk» is magical and philosophical values . Since ancient times, preserved folk traditions, knowledge of the nature and significance of the human habitat. Still instructive forbidden words, "Do not step on updoor ", which translates as «Tabalduryqty baspa». «Tabaldyryk» - as the subject enters the world of the triad - Heaven, Earth and Man.

Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

Quite an interesting scientific approach to the design of the yurt presented scientific and show pleasing portal /Native-American-Turanian-Brotherhood-FIRST-NATIONS-First/254587994552741?fref=photo, where all the date of ancient dwellings breeders (nomads yurt) are described in a logical structure. Note that the authors of the project has been able to uncover some of the design features of the ancient dwellings breeders (nomads yurt), using a variety of material and research capacity gained through the scientific works of scientists. Some materials (Helena Rubtcova, Paul King, Becky-Kemery, Lloyd Kahn, Heda Jindrak) thoroughly give background about the early construction of dwelling nomads of the Eurasian Steppe, on the basis of archaeological materials of the northern Siberian peoples (Northern indigenous peoples of Russia, such as the Chukchi and Siberian Yupik), called «Chukchi yarangas» or on the specifics of climate and to get a specific name «The Chaplino Eskimos» (G.Dinets 2006).


Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

Kazakhstan, as the birthplace of yurts of nomads and indigenous ethnic groups of the world, to become a leader of this research resource. Yurt is a unique design, is inextricably linked with associative constituent parts: national cuisine Ethnomusical instruments of national costumes and ornaments, jewelery and applied arts, dining and armor, traditions and customs, oral traditions that accompany the process of realizing this project. Consider appropriate promotion of the project in the society, using centuries-old experience, and ethnic and cultural heritage of the nomadic ethnic groups of the world (Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Mongol, Uzbek, Kalmyk, Turkmen, Afghan, American Indian, African tribes, Eskimos, etc.) and as an effective solution to the problem "greening of society" in order to make a decent contribution to the global program of "green technology" and the development of the tourism sector in the country.


Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

Astana 23.04.2014 Comment by professor Muhamedrahim Kursabaev

Map movement primitive communities in continental margins



Geoarchaeological and tourism values construction of dwelligs (yurts) nomads and indigenous people in the world. Kursabaev M.К, Dzhaparova G .А, Shaizhanov М.К, Аuapbekova А.Е, Isabekov S.B, Тaimagambetov Zh.K, Мazbayev

О.B, Теmirzhanov B, Baytyshev G.А

Геоархеологическо-туристические ценности конструкции жилищ (юрты) номадов и коренных этносов мира. Курсабаев М.К, Джаппарова Г.А, Шайжанов М.К, Аяпбекова А.Е, Исабеков С.Б, Таймагамбетов Ж,Мазбаев

О.Б, Темиржанов Б, Байтышев Г.А, и др

Геоархеологическо-туристические ценности конструкции жилищ (юрты) номадов и коренных этносов мира. Курсабаев М.К, Джаппарова Г.А, Шайжанов М.К, Аяпбекова А.Е, Исабеков С.Б, Таймагамбетов Ж,Мазбаев

О.Б, Темиржанов Б, Байтышев Г.А, и др