The Industrial Revolution



How has the Industrial Revolution affect our world today?

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Industrial RevolutionAlejandro VerduzcoGabriel ValdesVíctor Gómez

How has the revolution affected our world today?

From boiling a kettle to working in an office…

Much of the modern world was shaped by the achievements of the Industrial Revolution.

Working Wonders Inventions like the steam engine and production lines created vast wealth

On the Move

By the end of the 18th century industrialization was sweeping the country

The massive growth of production, supply and demand started a revolution in the transportation of the country’s goods.

Communication became easier

Modern MedicineUp until the mid 18th century, you had a better chance of survival if you chose not to visit a doctor.

But the Industrial Revolution brought the hope that technology and progress might create a world without disease and suffering.

It raised the standard of living for many people

Specially for the upper classes

Life for the poor continued to be filled with challenges.

This Revolution started in Great Britain in the 1750s

But it soon spread to other European countries

And later on, to the US

The Industrial Revolution also shaped the forms of government into what we see today

Capitalism Communism Socialism

The EndThank you
