The Legrand Legacy-Gen 2-University-Part1




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FiguresGeneration 2 University Part 1-

Last time on the Legrand Legacy, Puck broke up with Desi and partnered up with Charnell instead. Charnell was named heiress. The Quads headed off for college as well. Am I forgetting something? Oh right, Francois and Edouard ran away. I’m going to warn you right now that this chapter may be a bit jumpy. I mainly took pictures when I felt like it. Also there is slight discontinuity in story, because I am starting when the Quads got to college. That means Ed and Francois haven’t actually run away yet in the story line.

“Dez, what is your cauldron doing in the middle of my kitchen?!”


“You have got to be kidding me.”--(Dez is on permaloan from Keika’s “The White Legacy.”)--

“Come on Rosie, it doesn’t matter.”

“Yes it does,” I said, very annoyed.

“Oh, and I invited some people over,” Keika said.


“That’s probably them now.”

“Those two are taking over my house,” I grumbled to myself.

“Keika!” I shouted.

“What?” She said, hand halfway out of the chip bag.

“Come here, now.” Grumbling, she set it down.

“You didn’t tell me you invited your entire legacy!”

“It’s not my entire legacy, it isn’t even half.”

Facepalm. I think it would be best to return to our regularly scheduled legacy.

“This is it! We’re finally in Uni!” said Charnell.

“They’re tiny,” Desi said bluntly.

“What did you expect, a mansion?”

“I’m bored, Charnell. There’s nothing to do,” Brielle whined.

“You could always primp like Desi.”

Desi gave her a playful glare. Brielle and Charnell giggled.

Even though they had separate houses for each gender, no one really followed that. Except when they were sleeping.

“What are you guys doing?” Charnell asked.

“Making you ask questions.” Anton grinned.

“We’re looking at the sports news,” Puck replied.

“Aw come on Puck, you’re no fun.”

Once the boys had left Desi came in.

“It would seem that we both want the computer,” Charnell said. Desi nodded.

“Too bad.” Charnell plopped herself in the chair. Desi left in a huff.

In the other house Brielle was on the phone, as she was often.

“Yes Ed. If you feel that something is wrong you should try to fix it. Nothing is fixed by just sitting around. Yes. Good luck.”

Later, after class, she was able to spend time with Anton.

“Brielle you really told that teacher. She really needs to practice her math skills.”

Brielle giggled.

“So, Anton, we haven’t really done anything to make money since we were kids.”

“You’re right. Our last attempt was a total bust too.” He fumbled and the football fell to the ground. Brielle walked up to him.

“I have an idea. Let’s go inside.”

“So what are we looking for?” Anton asked.

“I think there are a lot of little contests that we can enter online to win stuff.”

“That doesn’t sound like a very big payout.”

“We can’t really do much, since we’re in college. This at least starts us in that direction.”

“Hey, Desi, watcha doing?”

“Flower arranging. A useful feminine skill.”

“Right.” Charnell rolled her eyes.

“Hope, do you know any ways to make money?”

“You have to get a job. That’s where money comes from.”

“True, but I’m thinking of now.”

“That’s tough. Good luck with that.”

At one point the classes lined up perfect so that Charnell and Puck had some alone time at the house.

They liked the peace and quiet very much.

“Um, hello? There’s something in the way of the computer.”

“I’m just going to pretend she isn’t there.”

When Anton tired of that he moved outside to talk with Brielle again.

“I don’t know how these contests will pan out, Brielle.”

“At least it’s something.” Brielle sighed.

Poor Puck was at a disadvantage when he came to Uni. He didn’t have as many skill points as the legacy kids. He was therefore stuck with lots of skilling.

“I just don’t understand why an art major has to take a class on government,” Desi said.

“I can help you with it Desi. I am a Political Science major.”

“You’ll do that?”


With some of the grants they have received it is construction time. The boys house has been taken down for ease later. Now they are all squashed into one building, but there wasn’t room for the last bed. Poor person who has to sleep outside.

“What do you guys think of going on a vacation at the end of the semester,” Desi asked, not looking up from her book.

“I could use a break before Junior year,” Charnell said, a tad bit dazed.

Anton came bursting into the room screaming about how he had won a vacation home from those online contests he and Brielle entered.

“That settles it then.” Desi grinned. “We’ll go as soon as finals are over.”

A bit later.

“Wow, your dressed,” Desi said.


“Oooh look a camera! Hi mom!” said stupid-cheerleader-who-was-just-leaving.

“Okay, so the science project has to be BIG,” Brielle said, completely skipping to the meat of the conversation, and why she invited him over.

“I was th-thinking on a slightly smaller s-scale.”

“You have a point. It needs to be finishable. Okay.”

Deep in thought, Brielle headed back inside. The boy left since he was used to this. He had been her partner in science every semester somehow.

“Hey guys, could you stop kissing back there. I’m trying to study. You know. Find a room. Or ignore me, that’s fine too.”

Pretty soon it was time for the vacation. Everyone was excited, especially Charnell, who was already in the van.

“Who does Charnell think she is, going before me?” Desi said.

“You’re sending them on vacation? Are you crazy? Uni is long enough without adding a vacation to it.”

“I would appreciate it if you stopped looking over my shoulder.”

“Too bad.”

“This is our vacation home?” Desi asked rather annoyed.

“It looks just like gold!” Anton said excitedly.

“Fortune sims,” Desi said under her breath.

“Hi Ed. We made it great. How are things there? Good, see you, bye.”

The first thing they did was go and buy clothes meant for the warmer weather. Charnell ended up borrowing Brielle’s ordinary outfit.

They all sat on the beach, doing what they wanted to. It was a nice time for all of them to relax from the school work.

After Brielle had made and destroyed her castle, Anton made one of his own.

“I wonder if it will completely collapse if I karate chop it just right,” Anton said.

“Now this is what I’m talking about. I love the beach,” Desi said, very pleased with her tan.

She wasn’t the only one who loved the beach.

Yeah, the vacation was going very well. Much better than just hanging around the University. Pretty soon they went back to their vacation house.

The next morning.

“Where did Desi disappear to? Everyone else is boringly asleep.”

“I think I’m lost. I knew this walk was a bad idea,” Desi said. She had awoken early and decided to get out of the house.

As she walked she stubbed her toe on a rock.

“Stupid island. At least there’s a phone.”

“A pay phone? Seriously? Why would I bring Simoleons with me on a walk?” Desi looked around grumpily. Her eyes lighted on the stairs.

“Who…*huff*… has so many…*puff* …stairs,” Desi said, very much short on breath.

“You. Do you have a phone? Or maybe some simoleons?”

The masked man turned around. “One does not require phones or simoles to survive.”

“What one does need to survive is broken. You help me, I will help you.”

“Okay, I guess.”

“I didn’t think he meant literally broken. This guy is nuts,” Desi said before she got a mouthful of water. When she had finally finished fixing the stuff in his house she sought out the masked man.

“Thank you. This doll will make what one would like come true.”

“I need help returning to civilization, not a stupid doll.”

The man sighed. “If one follows the path one shall find oneself back in ‘civilization.’”

“Alright this ‘one’ will go. Thanks for nothing.”

Desi found her way back by nightfall. Everyone else had spent the day at the vacation house just relaxing.

“What did you do all day Desi? Did you have fun?” Brielle asked, curious of adventures Desi may have had.

“It wasn’t exactly something ‘fun’ Brielle. I went on an epic journey. I had to manuever through rocks on a wide expanse of land. There was a man who needed assistance with something very important, as well.”

“Charnell wouldn’t have been able to do it. He needed someone perfect, wonderful…”

“Shut up Desi,” Anton interrupted.

“I don’t have to. I can say whatever I want. I’m perfect. People like you and Charnell wouldn’t understand.”

“Cut it out Desi. I don’t mind this whole perfect complex you have going on. That isn’t the problem. The problem is you putting down everyone around you by saying you’re perfect. And I won’t take that from anyone, especially when they are dissing my sister.”

“Honestly Anton you need to…”


“I have had it up to here with the both of you. All you do is argue, and you have had this argument at least a thousand times before. Guess what, no one is perfect. That goes for both of you. Myself. Everyone. I am sick of being around you two.”

“Guys,” Brielle hastily interjected. “I think I saw a UFO last night.”

“Shut up Brielle,” the three of them shouted.

Tears streaming from her face, Brielle ran up the stairs.

“Did we really just… yell at Brielle,” Anton said what all of them were thinking.

“I only ever talked about aliens because it made people laugh,” Brielle whispered to herself. “Now no one is laughing.”

Bring -ring


“Brielle, it’s Edouard, I really need your help. There is something awful…”

“Edouard,” She cut him off. “I’m… the last person you should ask advice from. I … it’s just… I’m sorry.”

“Brielle wait!”

*click* She hung up.

The one time that Keika leaves the room, and I’m finished writing. Figures.

Thanks goes to Keika for her simself and her sims.

Click on for a peak at my secret picture!

Desi sucks her thumb! Haha!

Hopefully the second half of Uni will be ready within a week. See you then!