The MLA International Bibliography and JSTOR




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The MLA International Bibliography and JSTOR

A Doherty Library Information Literacy Tutorial

GoalsAfter viewing this presentation, you will

understand:1. The strengths of the MLA International

Bibliography and JSTOR as research resources for literature

2. MLA International Bibliography subjects 3. EbscoHost tools4. JSTOR Advanced Search options

1. The strengths of MLA and JSTOR A. The MLA International Bibliography

1. An index of world literature studies built up since 1921

2. Organizes materials by subject: names, themes, topics

3. The broadest scope of any resource in this field; includes books, journal articles, dissertations

4. Does not include Classical Greek and Latin literature

5. Links to full text through EbscoHost and the red UST button

1. The strengths of MLA and JSTOR B. JSTOR

1. A full-text archive of journals (journal storage)

2. Searches keywords by relevance; no subject searching

3. Includes over 60 journals in Classical Studies (Greek and Latin)

4. All non-Classical literature holdings are also indexed in MLA

GoalsAfter viewing this presentation, you will

understand:1. The strengths of the MLA International

Bibliography and JSTOR as research resources for literature

2. MLA International Bibliography subjects 3. EbscoHost tools4. JSTOR Advanced Search options

The MLA International Bibliography.

Useful limits (excluding results that don’t meet these criteria)

Don’t check “Linked Full Text”!

Use “Names as Subjects” to find materials about a specific author

Here is a sample “Names as Subjects” search for William Wordsworth. Check the box by his name and click “Search” to get all articles about Wordsworth.

There are over 5,000 items on Wordsworth going back to 1899. Use the limiters in the left column to narrow your results.

Under “Subjects” in the left column, click “Show More” to see a list of subjects listed in articles about Wordsworth. Click a checkbox to see those articles.

GoalsAfter viewing this presentation, you will

understand:1. The strengths of the MLA International

Bibliography and JSTOR as research resources for literature

2. MLA International Bibliography subjects 3. EbscoHost tools4. JSTOR Advanced Search options

The article record lists all the names, works and topics associated with that article.

Use these tools to email, cite, or export the article record to RefWorks!

To get full text of an article, click PDF Full Text or the red UST button.

The UST button searches other databases for the article. If no copy is available, you are given a link to Interlibrary Loan.

GoalsAfter viewing this presentation, you will

understand:1. The strengths of the MLA International

Bibliography and JSTOR as research resources for literature

2. MLA International Bibliography subjects 3. EbscoHost tools4. JSTOR Advanced Search options

This is the basic search page for JSTOR.Skip it. Click Advanced Search.

On the JSTOR Advanced Search page, check the box next to your discipline (“Language and Literature”).

Then, check: Narrow By: Item Type: Article.

Then search for multiple keywords, for example, the author AND the theme, work or character you’re researching.

Here is an article record in JSTOR. Note that only about 10% of records in JSTOR have abstracts, like this one.

“View Citation” is not MLA-formatted.Use “Export Citation” to send info to

RefWorks.Click “View PDF” to access full text.

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