The Mulberry House School Improvement Plan 2013


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“We will reach high to be the people we want to be, respect

ourselves and others and enjoy each new challenge”


Appoint Head of Pastoral care; Victoria Playford with the Headteacher Julie Kirwan

Review Internet policy in line with Safeguarding policy. Hold children’s assemblies on internet safety. Develop social networking policy for staff and children. Introduce playground Buddy system in the playground. Revamp the Friend stop. Weekly assemblies highlighting MHS values and

include Olympic Values- Review settling in questionnaire for new starters. MHS staff to join work life support network



Improve boys’ achievement in reading and writing to equal that of girls.

Extend our analysis to see how EAL children compare with their peers.

Measure the rate of progress for children with SEN and analyse which factors influence progress.

Invite Heads of next schools to visit and obtain feedback regarding offers made.

Promote open ended independent learning and thinking about thinking skills.(metacognition) Introduce mind mapping to extend children’s thinking.

Extend “Mathletics” computer programme for Prep 1 children to use at school and home. Evaluate impact of this programme on children’s attainment.

Introduce GL reading assessment for Prep classes. Extend Espresso for home use. Compare levels of children at MHS with other similar schools. Continue to have high expectations of children.


Timetable for staff to take part in peer observation. Headteacher and KS co-ordinator observations to take place

termly-linked to appraisal and training. In school training arranged. Share staff strengths. Children are grouped by More able as well as Gifted and Talented. Work with NACE to ensure planning meets children’s differentiated

abilities. Carry out work scrutiny and link to training blocks in different

subjects; Specialist training to support boys writing.. Staff to visit other schools with a research focus.

CURRICULUM KS1 continue to provide opportunities for discussions with “talk

partners” and peer assessment in plenaries. Include more digital means of recording information. Emails,

animation and book making. Promote Peer to peer learning support for Prep 3 with other Prep

classes Revamp and revise our Edward de Bono Six Thinking Hats to

promote thinking skills. Create a handbook of ideas to promote creative thinking. Introduce new mental maths books from Prep 2. Introduce new reading assessment from Prep1 –GL assessment

for comprehension and phonological awareness. Whole school inset from National Handwriting association. Review consumable and non consumable resources for Projects


Involve children in classroom and play ground risk assessment.

Carry out checks on larger playground equipment by specialist.

Modify playground supervision to ensure all areas are covered.

Two yearly training for all staff in Paediatric First Aid. Prep III children to undertake first aid training. Handsam consultant to do annual audit with bi annual

review of action plan. Senior members of staff to attend Fire Marshall training.


Keep up to date with all changes in Welfare Health Safety and Safeguarding. Weekly updates from ISI and termly updates from DFE and Ofsted.

Camden designated officer to carry out checks on staff knowledge and understanding of Safeguarding. Continue to promote healthy eating. Following menu review, invite parents to eat lunch with the children.

Expand toys that promote co-operation in first school. Link with Mulberry House Way, include in circle times and

assemblies. Improve links with feeder schools to support children’s transition

to new schools at 7+ Invite Headteachers/class teachers to visit. Create a green space/quiet space in the second school playground.

Arrange for site visit & quotation for buggy canopy. Install disabled toilet.


EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIESo Participate in local football matcho Extend chess tournaments to other local schools.o The MHS choir to take part in local music festivalo Review after school clubs-introduce new clubs and extend to the

first school.o Include visits to Westbere Copse as part of provisiono Take part in National Olympic campaigns for sport

COMMUNITY LINKS Extend coffee mornings. Arrange visit to Camden Recycling Centre. Continue links with Anson Primary school, Tower Bridge

Primary, The Phoenix, North London Collegiate and other ISA schools.

Continue to use ISAnet Arrange Mulberry House Olympics Invite Read international to MHS-Book Donation Set up Pen pals with French schools in London Invite West Hampstead police in to talk to the children

about their role in the community. Celebrate world book day with a visit to Willesden Library. Invite Parents in to take part in assemblies and storytimes. Celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee year with a street party and

commemorate artwork.

SCHOOL TRAVEL PLAN Highlight transport at Parents Open evenings Continue to promote walk to school week Introduce walk once a week campaign Promote scooting and cycling to school- children

and staff Utilise public transport where practical for school

trips Lesson focus on Road Safety Lesson focus on the benefits of walking and PE to

health and wellbeing Visits from police on safer neighbourhoods Utilise more local amenities where children can

walk to



Invite staff to attend Open Evening to see what parents are looking for from a school.

Review school website; to include parents area more clearly.

Provide a blog for parents within website Organise in-service training on Team Building with IMA All staff will be observed teach as part of appraisal

process. Work with school accountant to develop financial strategic

planning and Budget review. Hold post holder review meetings bi annually. Join Cross Association Leadership team –developing links

and support network Continue to meet with Proprietor for termly curriculum

reviews Set up formal appraisal of Headteacher. 360* appraisal.
