The Shaping Of American Education


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The Shaping of American Education:

And the Theorists Who Influenced It

John F. Herbart 1776-1841Founder of pedagogy as an academic discipline.

Horace Mann 1796-1859Targeted Public Schools and Their Problems

Herbert Spencer 1820-1903Best known for coining the phrase “survival of the fittest”.

Charles W. Eliot 1834-1926Transformed Harvard into the preeminent American research university

William T. Harris 1835-1909He founded and edited the first philosophical periodical.

G. Stanley Hall 1844-1924“Father of Adolescence”

John Dewey 1859-1952Progressive Education

Henry Barnard 1861-1900Editor of The American Journal of Education

Wilheim Wundt 1832-1920Widely regarded as the "father of experimental psychology”.

William James 1842-1910Gained widespread recognition with his monumental Principles of Psychology.

Jane Addams 1860-1935Activist, reformer and social worker.

Ralph Tyler 1902-1994Basic Principles of Curriculum

William H. Schubert Professor, University of Illinois, Chicago

Lester Frank Ward 1841-1913

Joseph Mayer Rice 1857-1934Sought to untangle the public school system from the

web of political corruption .
